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a/n: you're an operative in this

p/t: your personality trait

y/n pov

great_day and the operatives were going out to run an errand, except you and unstable_day. great_day assigned me to watch unstable_day, because of course, he was unstable.

the days all said goodbye to unstable and i.

[SUPREME LEADER] great_day turned to me. "remember, [OPERATIVE] p/t_day, make sure [OPERATIVE] unstable_day does not grab or go near any weapons. got it?"

"yes sir." i nodded

"good." he spoke before walking out the door, along with the operatives and closing it.

about a minute after, i hear beeping from the kitchen.

i quickly ran in and saw fire in a pan and unstable standing there.

i grab the fire extinguisher and cover the fire with it.

i sighed. "i'll make food tonight. you go read a book."

he quickly nodded and dashed out of the kitchen.

after i finished cleaning the mess unstable caused, i started to make ramen.

while i was putting the hard noodles into boiling water, i heard gunshots.


i sped up the stairs and saw unstable smiling wide while holding a gun and shooting everywhere.


i ducked my way to him and attempted to grab the gun from his hand. (a/n ducked autocorrect to sucked wtf)

"unstable." i grunted "no."

i was still struggling, but i tripped over unstable's foot, ending up in an awkward position. (cliché ik but I don't know what else to do aha)

our faces were about 2 inches apart.

my face flushed and unstable spoke. "YOU HAVE VERY PRETTY FACE."

he poked my nose. "boop."

that only cause my face flushed even more.

i quickly got off him and dusted my vest off.

i smelled smoke and facepalmed.


unstable followed behind me


"oh and you could do better?" i retorted

unstable yawned. "me tired. you?"

"you don't wanna eat?"

"not hungriness."

"alright." i spoke. "oh and yes i could use sleep."

unstable thought for a moment. "ok. come."


"i sleeping in residence mine. would you like sleep with me?"

i hesitated. "uh, ok sure."

i turned off the lights and walked out with unstable to his residence.

when we got there, he handed me a pair of blue pajamas.

"wait, don't you need these to sleep?" i questioned him

"no it be ok." he smiled "i have extra pair."

i nodded and changed into the pajamas inside the restroom.

after i finished, i walked to unstable's room and i knocked.

i heard him say "come"

i opened the door and saw him laying on his bed, looking as cute as ever.

"come join me in bed." he told me

i slowly walked to his bed and laid down next to him, my head on his chest.

my face was heated and i could feel him twitching.

his heartbeat was rapid and slowly started slowing down as he drifted off to sleep.

as soon as he fell asleep, started snoring quietly. i smiled and soon fell asleep.


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