Chapter 1: Lie too

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Third person:

Harry Potter couldn't believe what he was hearing. The Headmaster, Molly, Ron and Ginny, were not only talking about him, but also Hermione, Neville, and the rest of the Weasley's ( aka: Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George and Arthur.) about finishing them off. Hearing this outside of the headmaster office.

"Now, now, my love. I know how much you hate them, but you also have to remember the plan." Dumbledore or dumb as a door said to Molly, and continue to say to his family. "As soon Harry kills his father and marry our lovely daughter. We can have all the Potter's wealth and fame, and we don't have to deal with the rest of them." Pulling his family into a hug, Ginny had to say something. "Do I have to marry that riddle? " she whined and continued."I don't even love him, plus the potions and spells aren't even working on him." making a pouty face to her father the headmaster. Ron also has something to say about hermione, "If I have to listen to the mudblood one more time, I'm going to kill her and make it look like an accident." He said to everyone in the room.

For Harry, he was angry at his so-called best mate, but glad to know that the potion and spells weren't working, thanks to Snape. Plus, he was gay, so it was no big deal for him. The rest of his friends knew something was up. They were planning on going to Gringotts in Diagon Alley to see who they really belong to the light or the dark. They will find out sooner then later.

Harry told his friends what he heard outside of the headmaster office, that he is a riddle and not a potter.

So will Harry and his friend be with their true family's or not find out in the next chapter: The truth comes out. I hope you all like the beginning of the chapter.
DWolf out.

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