Chapter 1

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"Ace! What the hell are you doing? Get off of that damn thing" Len shouted. He sat perched on a branch in a tall tree firing arrows at the giant Nevermore flying circles around the group. "I can't get a clean shot with you on that things back." Team BLAQ was in the middle of a battle and had taken up a defensive position. Ace however had decided to do his own thing. Once the nevermore had flown low enough, he had hopped on it's back to go for a ride. "Relax" he shouted back. "I got this." he yelled with his trademark grin on his face. "And if you don't? Then what?" Len asked annoyed at the big brute. "Well then you'll save me won't you Lenny?" Ace laughed as he dove towards the giant birds left wing. With a loud screech, the bird changed direction as Ace grabbed the birds wing, throwing off his flight pattern. "Don't I always?" Len muttered to himself as he fired two arrows at the birds right wing. His arrows hit and the bird came falling to the ground. Before it crashed, Ace flipped backwards extending his clawed gauntlets. Landing a few yards away from the crashed and very angry bird, he charged it. More arrows flew over his shoulder towards the nevermore as he ran. He trusted Lens aim with his life. Ace jumped towards it while he was distracted and brought his hands together over his head and brought them down hard on the birds head. Now with the bird dazed and reeling he attacked with a fury of swipes from his gauntlets. The bird screeched in pain and Ace laughed. The bird swiped at him with one of its talons but stopped in mid swipe. "What the?" Ace said confused. "Admit it" came a voice from behind the bird "You were about to break a rule weren't you?" Qin said. She had one hand encircled in her purple whip, the other end was wrapped around the talon that had been going for Ace. Her face was in a scowl as Ace peeked around the bird to see her. His grin had never faded and he said "Nah. I knew you were there." The bird then rounded on Qin and she pulled hard on her whip and severed the birds talon in one clean swoop. With another loud screech, the bird reeled back as if to take of again, but found only another arrow flying toward it. The arrow hit it in the eye, blinding it. "Get back from it" Len yelled. He had switched trees to keep a good angle on the giant beast. The nevermore had sensed that it was in grave danger and began to thrash wildly to get away from the rowdy bunch. Ace and Qin retreated a few yards back towards the tree that Len was occupying. They knew that a scared grimm was far more dangerous than one at full strength. "Where the hell is Bai? He was supposed to be here by now" Qin scowled. It wasn't like her big brother to be late or leave them hanging during a fight. He knew that she would worry. "Ah don't worry about our fearless leader" Ace glanced at her. "He's probably taking nap." He roared with laughter at his own joke. Qin was about to say something before Len interrupted. "Focus you two. That thing ain't dead yet." Qin decided she would punch Ace later and turned her attention back to the bird. "Ok then" she said. "You're second in command when brother isn't here. What's the plan?" Len thought for a second then said "Make sure it doesn't take off again, then we smash its head open." Ace charged forward "Sounds good to me". Qin rushed forward after him heading towards his right wing. With her whip extended she slashed at its wing multiple times while Lens arrows flew over head towards the same wing. With it severely damaged it had no chance of flight again. Ace had found his way back onto the bird and was running up its back towards the head, gauntlet claws fully extended. He jumped into the air and flipped and came down hard onto the birds head. Once it crashed to the ground, the trio hit it with a barrage of arrows, whip strikes and claw slashes until it stopped moving. Qin wrapped her whip back around her waist as Len came jogging towards them. Ace was panting hard but still smiling "See?" he said between breaths. "We did it all on our own." He tried to high five Qin, but was stopped by the bird that wasn't quite dead. With one last effort, it charged the three of them head first, catching them off guard. There was a puff of black smoke and a slashing sound of metal against flesh and the birds head became separated from its body and landed a few feet away from them. "Sorry I took so long guys" said Bai as he stepped out of the smoke, his blade over his shoulder. "I didn't mean to make you worry, but I knew my team could handle a simple nevermore." he grinned at Qin who had a look of disapproval on her face. "Of course we could" Ace spoke up and patted him on the back. "I was here to make sure things went smoothly." QIn rolled her eyes and looked at her brother. "Where were you?" she asked. "Would you believe that i got lost on the way here? All these trees look the same to me." he said simply as he put away the double bladed naginata. "Of course you did" she shrugged. Len chimed in "Well everything worked out I guess so it's no big deal." Qin looked at him as if to say something else then decided against it. "The big monster is dead, we're all alive, and now we get paid." said Ace as he stretched his arms "What more could you want kids?" Qin glared at him. "Don't call me a kid. I hate being called a kid. I'm 16." Ace grinned again "I call you kid because you're the youngest of" he yelled. Qin had kicked him in the shins. Len turned back to Bai and smirked "See what I've been dealing with while you were gone?" Bai was used to the two squabbling all the time. Aces rambunctious nature was always at odds with Qins more serious attitude. "Ok everyone. Let's get back to the village so we can eat and get paid. I'm sure you're all tired from that fight." Bai said as he began walking towards the edge of the clearing. Qin ran to catch up with her brother as Ace and Len followed them leaving the disintegrating grimm behind.

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