senario 1

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"Hi I'm Skye and I am here reporting from the lunch bench outside of school" I decided too mess with my friends Caitlin and grace because, well I was listening too music when Caitlin decides that I'm being too quiet. Well anyway here we are now "Skye, be quiet stop reporting random rubbish" Grace decides to join the conversation "No I shall not because Caitlin wrecked my music soooo.. Yeah" I reply with a mater-of-a-fact tone. Whilst this was going on Caitlin swiftly lunged for grace's water bottle so being the awesome person I am had to report this "the wild passive grace remains oblivious of the fact Caitlin has stolen her water bottle this is rather interesting" I said doing my best too sound like optimus. Oh yeah I forgot to mention we know the Autobots but... Whatever my guardian is Jazz, Grace's is Ironhide and Caitlin's guardian is ratchet, Any way where were we oh yeah. "Give that back!" Grace bellowed making me cover my ears, Caitlin had an evil smirk on her face one that could put Megatron too shame, honestly I was a little scared. All she did was keep passing the bottle back and forth between her hands causing grace too growl. "Grace is starting too become tempered what will happen to the overly confident Caitlin" I said getting stares from both of them which soon turned into a scowl "SHUT UP SKYE!!!" They roared in unison making me whimper slightly. "But...but...but i'z only messin' around" I could only try a puppy face. Grace sighed shortly after we all burst out laughing until I realised Caitlin was still playing with the water bottle, Grace seemed to have noticed too "Caitlin give me the water bottle" grace requested but only was returned with a "no". I laughed under my breath and watched the seen unfold before me " Caitlin..." She warned, but was greeted by the same response "No" Grace seemed to be raging at this point, but all of a sudden Grace decided too call for back up "IRONHIDE!!!" She yelled "ow sensitive" I moaned covering my ears. The moment just got better and better when 'Hide jumped the school fence 'Lucky thing no one is out...' I thought to myself . "Grace are you okay?" He said in his normal deep voice with only a flicker of worry hidden behind his optic's. Grace glared at Caitlin and replied "No this evil person stole my water bottle" He just stared for a while before the unexpected happened Ironhide face-palmed I just couldn't control it I had to laugh and report again "the wild Grace managed to make a two story robot face-palm this day shall truly go down in history" only to be shoved off the bench "Hey!". No reply was I just ignored nah. Ironhide looked strangely at us as if we had two heads but soon got over it and lectured Grace " Sweetspark only call for me in a emergency" "but it is an emergency I might die of dehydration" grace whined , you could clearly see he was amused by this but stated "Deception emergency " and with that said he walked off grumbling something about humans and there need for water. I decided now would be a good time too listen too Demons by Imagine dragons and started to hum along too zone out. Next thing I know the bell rings and I'm being dragged off too class. Only one thought remained "well that was eventful and all over a 40 minuit period"

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