holiday time with de guys part 4

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Walking along the corridor attempting to find Grace & Ironhide's room, I was still in my pyjama wolf onesie and Jazz was in a vest top and shorts. After 5 minutes we came across a black and red door with '4B' engraved into it meaning we had found the right room, I gave a loud knock "hellooo..." Followed by rapidly approaching foot steps the door swung open revealing Shadow and Grace "took your time" Shadow stated "duh fashionably late" I replied in a  matter-of-a fact tone. We were quickly pulled into the room and the door was locked behind us. Seeing 'Hide and 'Bee sitting on one of the beds Jazz joined them whilst we sat on the floor "so wha' we doin'" Jazz asked from his place on the bed 'whoops forgot to tell him oh well' I thought "did Skye not tell you 21 dares" "okay who starts?" "I will" bumblebee volunteered but I didn't care "1,2,3" "4,5,6" followed by Jazz then Ironhide "7,8,9" after was grace "10,11,12" then Shadow "13,14" and finally me "15,16" then repeating the circle "17,18,19" "20" " ugh 21" "looks like your first 'Hidey after we will just go round in a circle its easier" Grace pretty much sung the first bit. We all grouped up to decide his fate "truth or dare?" Shadow questioned "ummm... Dare" there was a chorus of ooh's but back on topic we kicked 'Hide out. after a while of discussing we invited him back in "your dare is to sneak into Ratchet and Prime's room and take a selfie with them in the back ground" 'Bee explained, I shifted with anticipation would he do it? "Just give me a phone and 5 minutes" was his response I jumped up with a "yesh" and handed him my phone "break it and I sware I will hunt you down" and with that he walked off.

****time skip ****

We have been sitting here for 4 minutes in silence waiting for any sign of his return or any yelling when we started hearing footsteps I was a little on edge because I don't really know this place, I don't know what's here. There was a slow loud knock at the door next thing I know is the door swings open really fast and I'm screaming as loud as I can, seeing it was only Hide being an idiot I stopped to see everyone staring at me "what?" I asked innocently "you... Whatever Grace your turn" Shadow went to say "let me see the pic please Hide" Jazzy asked 'Hide pulled out my phone and turned it around we all broke into fits of laughter seeing him do a duck face with Ratchet laying on his front and Optimus laying half of the bed in the back ground. Shortly after we had finished rolling around the room we looked towards grace "truth or dare??" Shadow asked "truth please" I perked up without hesitation I had to ask "who's your fav' 'Con?" Ironhide seemed to tense at this moment as if expecting the worst

"None they are all afthats, but if I had to choose umm wheelie" thinking for a second 'which one is wheelie? Oh yeah now I remember'. Looking towards Shadow "your up truth or dare" 'Bee asked "dare" we kicked her out and discussed possible options. After 3 minutes we came to a agreement and invited her back in "your dare is to go into Sunstreaker and sideswipe's room and paint them pink and don't skip on the sparkles" 'Hide explained he seems amused must be his form of payback "oh come on you got an easy one what ever, give me the paint and glitter" was the response "and don't forget to take a picture its good blackmail ya' know" I said getting up and handing her my phone "got it" and with that she walked out.

****time skip 10 minutes later****

We where sitting waiting again, the door opened revealing Shadow with a huge smile on her "let me see, let me see" I demanded jumping up and down, turning the phone around I saw both of my brothers painted sparkly light pink and yet another fit of laughter. A little while later everyone looked towards me, realising I was next the question came "Skye, truth or dare" Jazz asked in a tone almost daring me itself "dare for the win" I replied and walked out starting to pace a bit my mind was running 100 miles per hour from just the thought. Being invited back in after, Grace was the one to tell me "Skye, before we say it was completely mine and Shadows idea" "Just tell me already!" "Okay, we dare you to kiss Jazz" "ewwwwww yucky!" I flushed 100 shades of scarlet " it's a dare just get on with it" Jazz stated. Getting an idea I switched to wolf form and licked him or doggy kissed him then switched back "we meant human form" they said in unison whist face palming "nope you didn't specify which form, okay 'Bee your next" looking towards Jazz he was wiping his face I snickered at this and turned my attention back to 'Bee. "Truth or dare?" Grace asked "Dare" and yet again we kicked him out, 2 minutes of discussing his fate later we decided and invited him back. Strolling in without a care in the world I said "your dare is to dress up like a ninja turtle wake Optimus up and tell him that your joining the turtles and leaving the 'Bots" I laughed internally at the thought of 'Bee dressed up as a turtle."bring it, where is the costume?" We all looked towards Megan because she is the one who wears the colour green most "give me a second, come on 'Bee let's find you a costume" with that they ran off.

****time skip to Bee coming back dressed up as a turtle****

They walked in and all we could do was laugh he looked so funny "go on then, could you get a picture of Prime's face for us?" I asked handing him my phone " I'll try" he did not sound happy about this, with that said he walked off closing the door behind him and we all broke out into another laughing fit.

****time skip 10 minutes later****

Bumblebee walks back in laughing his head off, he couldn't talk he just turned the phone around and showed us the picture Optimus' face looked kinda like this '0' and yet another chorus of Laugh's and giggles. After we had finished we looked towards Jazz, it was now his turn "so Jazzy, truth or dare" I asked daring him like he did to me "I'll play it safe, truth" Grace couldn't hold it without a second delay she almost shouted "do you have a crush on Skye?!?!?!" His turn to change colour, but he went 50 shades of crimson. 'Officially awkward' I thought "well" Ironhide coaxed "well I have to tell the truth here don't I?" "Yup" we all said together "okay ummmm... Ummm. Sortakindamaybeyes..." He said in a small voice looking very embarrassed. My turn to change colour again seeing the tension everyone just laughed it off checking the time it was now '4am' I yawned and wiped my eyes "your tired aren't you Skye?" Jazz asked now returning too reality "nooo what... Gave you that.. Idea.." I said whilst yawning "we might want to go now, see ya' guys" he said and started guiding me towards the door "night night guys" I said quietly suddenly now half asleep "Night you two" they all said in unison as we left making me giggle. Arriving at my room Jazzy tucked me in saying "we will go to the beach tomorrow" "mmhmm night night love you" I replied not actually realising what I said hearing a distant chuckle and a quiet reply of "love you too sweet dreams" I was knocked into dream land.

(Not really a cliff but there will be a part 5)(ewwww)

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