holiday time with de guys part 3

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"Yup!" I just about heard Shadow's voice above all the noise, looking to my left and finding Jazz and Sunny still asleep in a position where Jazz's head was on Sunstreaker's shoulder and Sunny's head resting against Jazz's I just had to take a photo. The plane landed with a jolt startling them both up "Hey guys check dis photo" I unlocked my phone and showed them there sleeping position on screen, their expression was a mix of annoyance and embarrassment "Skye delete that photo" Sunny growled "nope, its good blackmail for another time". After about 5 minutes of arguing I won and we all exited the plane on que "Guys we gotta get your alt modes" Grace stated "already covered and let's head to the hotel" Ratchet replied "but who's taking us" "me, because all of the luggage is in my cab" and with that we walk to O.P's alt mode and dived in.

****time skip to hotel reception****

We had parked up in the parking lot out back and grabbed our stuff out of Optimus' trailer wheeling my suitcase along I ran ahead of the group which consisted of Grace,Shadow,Optimus,Ratchet,Sunny,Sides,'Hide,'Bee, Jazz and of coarse me. Running up to the Hotel it was huge, pure white and very fancy had to be 5 stars. Roses scattering the front sort of garden and a range of different flowers and tree's even fruit tree's an oceanic view across the road and very serene. Without thinking I ran in the others not to far behind "wow" I managed to breath this was just beautiful the inside was a scarlet red with white roses like the opposite to the exterior "so who's bunking with who?" Sides asked Optimus pulled out a list and read from it " we have 2 per room so the pairings will be, me and Ratchet, Sunstreaker and Sideswipe" the high fived before he could continue "Ironhide and Grace" they hugged "Bumblebee and Shadow" yet another high '5' "and last but not least " Jazz with Skye" "suh-weet!" Optimus and Ratchet walk off and register us in. I walk up to Jazz "I get the bed by the window" I stated "hell no whoever gets there first chooses" "oh your so on!" Now determined to get there first, Prime comes back over "Ratchet and I are in 1A if you need us here are your assigned keys go and unpack" I was handed a key and his it from Jazz '2A'. I ran as fast as my legs could and skidded to a hault in front of the suite door, the hallway was painted black and the doors where painted differently mine was yellow, hurriedly opening the door and shutting it before Jazz could reach the room "Lol maybe next time" I stated and chucked my suitcase on the double bed closest to the window. In the room there was two king sized double bed's a flat screen T.V a range of DVD's and a door leading to the bathroom which had a toilet (duh), sink, mirror, shower and a bath the room also included a door out to a balcony. "Skye lemme in" "say please" I said hooking up my PS3 "pleeeeease" "okay" I finished and opened the door as soon as he walked in I shoved a controller into his hands "set up already?" "Yup let's play!" "Okay then let me dump did stuff, what ya wanna play?" "Minecraft!" I said climbing onto my bed and jumping around like a five year old "okey" I turned the console on and we began too play.

****time skip to 5pm****

There was a know on the door, we had been playing for about 5 hours "hmmm" I was to lazy to get up so I could only verbally respond "you two haven't left your room since you got here" came through Grace's voice "concentrating PS3" was all I could respond at the minuit we were playing COD online "you might want to come explore with us you know walkies" with that I perked up and looked at Jazz "can we pleeease" "yeah km let me Finnish match first" I looked back to the T.V it was almost finished any way. After we had finished I grabbed my tennis ball and lead. We left the room and met up with 'Hide, Grace, 'Bee and Shadow "c'mon you two" 'Bee yelled to us from down the corridor making us break into a sprint. Running out the main door and towards the beach we stopped in an empty area of the beach I switched to wolf form and Shadow did the same, I ran up to Jazz "Ball, gimme Ball please" I barked "okay okay" he said attempting to pat my head but failing because he was in his Holoform, I layed down so he was able to reach followed by the ball being thrown behind him I ran instantly knocking him over in the process. We spent the rest of the day like that.

****time skip to in the room in my PJ's****

I was laying in bed in human form of coarse when I get a message followed by another one from Shad's and one from Grape both saying "do you wanna join were playing 21 dares wiv de guyz" "sure" I replied and dragged Jazz outta bed to join.

(Cliff hanger dun dun dun !!!!!)

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