Can it get worse?

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Josie POV
It can't be true. What Hope said isn't true. She is lying, am sure.
Me and Hope haven't been talking since we got kidnapped by Freya and Klaus. We was still in the woods

Me: "Hope, we should get back to the school. They are probably worried"

Hope: "I can't go back"

Me: " why?"

Hope: "everyone hates me. Even your sister. Your dad thinks that am hopeless"

Me: "Hope that isn't true. My dad doesn't think that"

Hope: "I can't go back"

Me: "please Hope. It's safer at the school than here in the woods"

Hope nod.

I don't know how far away we was from the school. But one thing is sure. That Hope is evil. What she is saying is completely nonsense. I know she is sent from somewhere to destroy the school. It's my job to do something.

We came to the school.
Everyone looks fine. The school is their. The witches has probably used magic but that's okay. As long as my sister and dad is okay.

We walk inside.
My dad ran towards me and hugged me.

Me: "where is Lizzie?"

Alaric: " when she found out that you followed Hope. She want to go with you. So she traveled to find you but you don't have her with you, and that only means one thing. She stuck out there in the dangerous world"

Me: "I will go look for her"

Alaric: "don't. I just got you back. I know you want to find Lizzie, I want to but stay! I will find her but Right now you need to relax and i can see u have Hope with you, so that's good"

Me: "uhm dad, there is something I want to talk to you about"

Alaric: "yearh sure. Let's go to my office"

Me: "Hope I will be Right back, stay here"

We walk to my dad's office.

Alaric: "what do you want to talk to me about?"

Me: "Hope is dangerous "

Alaric: "what do you mean?"

Me: "she said something crazy"

Alaric: "what did she tell you?"

Me: "well first, she was at the school last year. She knows who we are. Last year there was a threat a mud called Malivore. When someone jump in, they erased from the existence. No one can remember them. Hope said that she sacrificed her to safe everyone at the school, including you. But the worst part is that I don't believe her. I believe she is evil. "

Alaric: "that's crazy"

I nod.

Me: "what should we do?"

Alaric: "we should lock her up"

Me: "that' won't hold her. She had said that she is a tribid. Witch, werewolf and vampire. "

Alaric: "that can't be true"

Me: "if she say who she are. Then she is a threat. No one that powerful can walk on this earth"

Me: "I agreed"

Me and my dad walk out. We are going to find Hope.

Hope talked to Landon.

We walked towards them.

Alaric: "can I talk to you Hope?"

Hope: "sure"

Alaric: "let's go to  another place"

I knocked Hope down from behind. We locked her up in a cell. She can't use magic in their.

Me: "she was fine when I talked to her"

Alaric: "you did the right thing"

Suddenly I heard a noise upstairs.
Me and my dad ran upstairs.
I can't believe it!

Why can't the family die? I hate the family. Hope said that she is a part of the originals family but am not sure that's true. And if it is then I hate her more. I can't stand the family.
Klaus, Freya, Kol, Rebekah was here.

I think that I will make the rule about that am going to post once a week. Sometimes more when I have time.

Tell me what you think about this chapter. See u in the next chapter

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