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Shayne's POV

I walked into my photography class, and immediately i'm excited, since it's one of my electives i picked out for this year for myself since film, photography, production, acting, and stuff is all right down my alley.
a ton of people file into the class, with the rows in sets of two, and i place myself near the back, but not too far that i don't miss the lessons, since i'm trying to actually learn something from this class. sitting by myself, i somewhat hope to myself that i can keep this pair of seats to myself, since i prefer to have my space. one of my friends, noah, files in through the front door, and sits in the desk in front of mine since i told him i wanted the empty desk. thank god he's somewhat understanding.
"oh, hey shayne, I didn't know you were taking photography." he questions, fully knowing i was the only one in the group chat that didn't send their schedule.
"yeah well, i just never got around to sending my schedule hah sorry, but yeah this class should hopefully be good, I've only heard good things about Ms. Whittle," I say, reassuring noah that it's a good class, somewhat in an effort to maintain at least one friend in my class.
[the bell rings, with everyone getting into seats, mainly next to someone they know. the class is mainly seniors, with a few juniors sprinkled throughout, noah being one of them.]
"alrighty class, let's take our seats and we can get right into the gyst of things!" ms. whittle exclaimed, with perhaps a little too much enthusasium, as she started passing around disclosures for her photography class. however, before she could finish, there was someone in the doorway of the classroom.
a brown eyed brunette, stood in the frame of the door with one backpack strap on his arm, looking clearly frustrated and confused, looking for the teacher.
"umm, is this Ms. Whittle's photography class?" the boy asked, hoping for a yes, having already gone to two wrong classrooms.
"yeah, this is her class, are you in here?" noah asked the non-familiar student.

Damien's POV
"yeah i'm supposed to be here for first period, i know i'm late, but i'm new here though too." i explained, making an attempt to make it clear that i had no clue where i was supposed to be.
"oh, hi! you must be Damien!" the teacher exclaimed, greeting me with her arm stretched out for a handshake.
"I'm Ms. Whittle, and I teach photography and some other digital art classes here at SHS. I saw your name on my role, and didn't know who you were, but saw that you were on the list of new transfer students. It's nice to see you here, hope you didn't have too much trouble finding my room. It can be a bit hard to find for new students," she said with a kind smile stretched across her face.
"Well, class, this is Damien Haas, he recently moved into the area and i hope you can give him a warm SHS welcome," she said, introducing me to the class, to very mild hellos and gentle waving.
"alrighty Damien, go ahead and take a seat anywhere there's an open seat, and we can get started with class." Ms. Whittle exclaimed, pointing and motioning for me to move toward the desks.
It was at this moment in time, i made somewhat awkward contact with who appeared to be the blond haired boy from the parking lot. He seemed to be the only one with a free chair next to him with a decent spot in the room, so I made my way toward the empty desk next to him.
"hey, not to be a bother or anything, but i was wondering if i could sit in that desk next to ya by chance, seeing as there's not really many open desks hah," i awkwardly asked.

Shayne's POV
"oh, yeah of course, no worries, i was just putting my bag there for the moment," I said, moving my backpack off the previously unoccupied desk.
"i'm Shayne," I said, smiling at the brunette as he took his seat, setting down his black and brown jansport backpack underneath his desk between his legs and the desk's. his chocolate brown eyes were captivating, striking me to my very core with their lush innocence and beautiful radiance. i took a moment to myself to absorb all of the beautiful boy's quaint features, before plummetting back to earth at the sound of his soft voice.
"i'm Damien, and thanks again for letting me sit here again," he introduced himself as he got settled into his seat.
"anytime. so, you're new to the area?" i asked, hoping to learn more about this cute specimen.
"yeah, my family and i just moved in about two weeks ago, so i didn't really even get a chacne to meet anyone from school before i got here." Damien said, shrugging a little bit after each part of his response. I couln't help but notice his built stature and broad shoulders as he did so. He was becoming increasingly attractive as the conversation carried.
"OH wait a minute, you guys must be the family that just moved into that house on Hillcrest just down the road from me!" i interjected, remembering seeing moving trucks and plenty of commotion coming from down the road.
"oh yeah, i guess that's the name of my street haha, i haven't really quite gotten adjusted to where everything quite is and what it's all called." Damien laughed to himself, only to get interrupted by Ms. Whittle attempting to gain the attention of the excited class. gee, i sure hope to get to know my new neighbor a little better seeing as he's just a little cutie.

"I hope you guys take a good look at your disclosure in front of you and also go through it with your parents, although, seniors, I don't really quite expect a whole lot of that from you guys, so just read through the darn thing and hopefully you'll get something out of it." she said, pulling down a projector screen and pressing a series of buttons that would eventually illuminate the room with her powerpoint presentation.
"so, let's just get right into the gyst of things, and i'll let you read your disclosures later. first things first, i wanted to give you guys your very first project so you can start brainstorming and get the most time you'll need for it. the first part to this project is that you'll be in partners, and don't get too excited, because you actually chose them this morning when you sat down in your seats. your partners for the project are going to be the person in the desk paired with your own." she said, pointing out different desks and pairs of names to provide examples to the mixture of excited and disappointed students that sat before her. I was indifferent at the thought of having to do a project with the new kid, but excited at the prospect of getting to know him much better through this project.
"hmm, so Shayne, I guess we're partners then." he smiled, looking over at me, the sheer thought of him even saying we were partners made my heart flutter for some reason. i didn't even know the kid, and yet somehow, he already made me feel this way.

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