Chapter 5 - Memories, Old and New

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Erin's POV

“So I told him he must really be trippin’ if he thought I'd let not only an open container but also about 4 kilos of weed go by for only $5,” Marty said.

I'd been laughing so hard at his stories I thought my sides would fall off. Marty's a pretty neat guy. He knows Pete really well and actually reminds me of him in many ways. I'm really glad that Mac made him my partner. He's a good teacher too. 

“Wow, I can't believe he'd try that!”

“1-Adam-51, 1-Adam-51, 211 in progress, 2811 N. Dixon Dr., 1-Adam-51 respond code 2.”

“1-Adam-51, Roger,” I replied.

“1-Adam-12, we'll backup 1-Adam-51 on the 211.”

“1-Adam-12, Roger.”

“Six houses down on the right,” I told Marty once I could tell which house it was. Reed and Malloy pulled up a few seconds after. 

“Go around back and cover the alley,” Marty told them. As they headed off, we got out and started sneaking up on the front door. Marty had the shotgun, I had my gun drawn. All of a sudden, the suspect bolted out of a side door, heading for the alley. Jim jumped out from behind the house and tried to tackle the man. Somehow, though, the suspect got the upper hand and had Jim face-down on the ground, gun pressing at the base of his skull. I stopped in my tracks, gun still pointed at the suspect. 

“One false move and your 'brother in blue’ gets it,” the man said. I mentally shuddered at the thought of Jim being in this situation. To keep focused, though, I knew I had to put those thoughts, and my memories, out of my mind. 

“Who cares?” I said. Pete was further back behind the man and I knew if I stalled, he'd be able to catch the man.

“Who cares?” The man yelled incredulously. “What do you mean? Aren't you all 'brothers’?”

“Not me. I can't stand them,” I said with hate in my voice. I wish I didn't have to say anything. Especially saying this. But this is the only way I could think of to keep him busy. “The ones I'm forced to work with are annoying little brats who think they can rule the road.”

“You're bluffing,” He replied. But I could tell he was getting confused. 

“I never bluff,” I said immediately. I carefully switched my aim and pointed my gun at Jim. The man sputtered, trying to understand. He started to raise his hand, with the gun, as if to scratch his head. As soon as the barrel was not pointing at Jim, Pete jumped and grabbed the man's arm and gun. He yelled as Pete took the gun away and handcuffed him. Pete and Marty pulled him off Jim and headed to the car. I took a deep breath, afraid to see Jim's reaction. As Jim started to get up, I quickly turned away.

“Wait!” Jim said, grabbing my arm. I turned and looked at him, surprised at his smile. He looked around, making sure no one was watching and leaned over as if to whisper something in my ear. Instead, though, he kissed me on the cheek. I gasped softly in surprise.

“Jim! What-” He shushed me. 

“You’re a terrible bluff,” He said smirking. We both laughed, though mine was mostly in relief. We walked back to the cars together smiling. “We'll talk later,” He said. I nodded and headed to my car. The man we arrested was sitting in the back seat watching Jim and I return, laughing and talking.

“Hey!” He said through the open window before I got in. “I thought you hated him!”

“What can I say?” I replied shrugging. “I lied!” Jim laughed from his car and we all headed back to the station. 

Love On The Beat - Jim Reed x Erin Blair (OFC)Where stories live. Discover now