Jazmine Pov
2 months Later
Azura's Birthday was 2 days ago and I must say I was more excited than her. She's 3 now. She's made the last 2 years of my life great even though there was so much drama.
I love her so much and my unborn...we still haven't told her yet,but hopefully she'll be happy.
Every since August proposes we have grown closer. Even though we fussed and fought we still love each other deeply. Surprisingly.
This fame life isn't for me, I'm thinking about giving it up. I mean its cool but its too much work for my lazy ass. I just might open my own dance studio. You never know ....I just might be the next young female entrepreneur.
August POV
Life is great. I got my girl, kids, and fame. Everything is good.
I even got Jazzy a surprise that I know is gonna make her happy. I walked downstairs and opened the door. I smiled and gave him a bro hug. Man I missed this lil nigga.
"Wassup man?" I said still smiling.
"Nothing man, making it day by day." He said sighing. I nodded my head.
"Where is she?" he asked anxiously.
"Oh follow me!" we walked toward the living room where Jazmine and Azura were watching tv. "Stay right here, I wanna surprise her." He nodded.
I walked into the living room and sat beside them. I kissed her cheek grinning. She looked at me weirdly. "What's up with you?" I shook my head . "Nothing, Im just happy to have you." She looked at me again,but this time with a 'Nigga yea right' look. "Okay, I got a surprise for you." Her eyes lit up "Really?" I nodded. "I wanna see!" she exclaimed bouncing up and down. It was kinda turning me on. "You sure?" I asked in excitement. She nodded vigorously.
"Mkay, COME IN !" I yelled. He walked in and I immediately saw tears pour out of Jazmine's eyes. She stood up and disbelief and walked to him slowly. "Jay?" she whispered. "Yea its me baby girl, come here." he said holding his arms out. {A/N : If you don't remember Jay, Hes her little brother. He came up missing when Jazmine went to away with Aug for their Anniversary.} She ran to him and squeezed him tight. Man i'm over here tearing up. Azura was just looking clueless. Shit I don't blame her, I woulda been too. I pulled her in my lap as they started talking. "Daddy who is he?" I kissed her cheek. "Thats your uncle Jay." she jumped up and ran to him "Uncle, Uncle!" she said jumping on him. He chuckled, and picked her up.
"And who are you pretty girl?"
"Im your favorite niece Azura!" We laughed.
"Oh yea? Well nice to meet you Favorite Niece."
Jazmine POV
Im so shocked . How did he find him?! I've been looking forever and still couldnt find him. I wanna know what happened and how . I need answers now.
Narrator POV
Jazmine pulled Jay to the side after he finished playing with Azura. They sat down on August's kitchen stools and looked at each other. "You look beautiful." he said to Jazmine. "Thanks" she replied. " I wanna know what happened and why you disappeared..." she trailed off. He sighed, knowing he had to tell her sooner or later.
"Look Jazmine, I had found out about mom and dad working together to take down August's empire. I came up with a plan to stop them but they found and started gunning for a nigga head and shit. I went to live with Grandma in New York, so I wouldn't get hurt. I was a little ass boy and I feel like a ass for leaving you. I know you probably hate me..." He said looking up at her. She remained silent. "Im sorry Jazmine...I wanted to warn you but I couldnt, they was on my dick." Jazmine had a blank expression for a while then nodded. She understood, her 'parents' are crazy. She missed her brother like crazy. And now that hes here it feels so surreal. They talked about everything from the anniversary trip till now. She even told Azura about her being pregnant. She was ecstatic. "I love you guys!!" Jazmine yelled. "We love you too"
Jazmine and August had been through alot in the last couple years, and if I shall speak for them , Alls fair in Fame And Family.
~Epilogue will be up soon.

Fame and Family (Battle Field Sequel)
FanfictionAfter everything that night , nothing has been the same. Jazmine's feelings for August start to appear. August is throwing his relationship away. Brianna is feeling ignored. Everythings just out of control. And on top of that there is still a weddin...