Ashley In MM (Bia Landrau from Sisterhood of hip hop)
Jazmine POV
I watched as the bitch kissed on my man. Yes, I said my man. I love August and I was planning on telling him that when I got back. Wait what is his ass doing hea in the first place. I fixed my face and walked over to them. I grabbed Zura and turned to walk away. I know it was wrong to take her away but at the moment I just want to be as far away from August as possible.
We walked down the path till we reached the beach. Zura sat in the sand and I followed. "What's wrong mommy?" She said placing her hand on my face. "Nothing babygirl, heyy you wanna get in the water?" Her face lit up "Yeshh come on mommy!!" I giggles and followed her to the shoreline. This island is spectacular..I always ended to have ah wedding here . As the water hit my feet, I thought about how that kiss affected me and how I just wanted to fuck her up . Damn August, why do I love you?!
August Pov
Ashley looked the same way I did, clueless. What the fuck just happened?! "You have a kid?" I sighed and nodded. "Why didn't you tell me?" I looked at her sideways. "I just met you bruh..but yes I have a daughter , she's my world and I would do anything for her,problem?" She shook her head. "Good." "But that lady she was with look just like Jazmine Johnson" "She is Jasmine Johnson." "Your babymama is Jasmine?!" I nodded and rolled my eyes. "I love her!!" I chuckle. To bad she don't love you . I know for sure she's angry because of that kiss. "I should get you back to the hotel and go see my daughter. " she nodded and we started down the path.
Once we reached the hotel I gave her a hug and a kiss on her cheek. We split ways, I walked to the front desk. The lady smiled at me. "What can I help you with Mr.Alsina ?" "I need the room key to the room of Jazmine Johnson." She looked at me sideways. "I'm sorry Mr.Alsina I can't do that." I pulled 2 hundreds out my pocket and handed it to her. "Can I please have the room key?" She took the money and gave me the key & number. "Thanks. "
I took the elevator to the room and slid the key in. I walked into the dark room and hit the light switch. I looked around ,I guess they were still out. I sat on the bed practicing what I was going to say to Jazmine. I want her back. I didn't even come here to think about her but shes still in my head. I heard the door open and I looked up. "What the he'll are you doing here?" Jazmine screamed scared. "Daddy!" Z yells jumping on me. I kissed her cheek. "I should be asking you the same." I looked at her with my eyebrow raised. She looked gorgeous and so did Zura. "Azura it's bath time, come on." "But mommy I wanna play with daddy. "She whined. "I'll be here when you get out babygirl." She nodded and ran off to the bathroom. Jazmine went to go get her situated then came back out. "Let's talk." I said patting the bed.
Jazmine Pov
"Let's talk." He said patting the bed. I sighed and sat beside him. "Talk." I said eager to hear what he had to say. "Jazmine I know that this probably about to go in one ear and out the other but Jazmine I miss you. I love you, I care for you.. my life has been empty without you. You are the mother of my child, the only woman I love, the woman I wanna marry. I promise if you take me back I will be by your side until one of us is 6ft under. You and Azura complete me, please Jazmine be my other half once again?" He said whipping my tear. I didn't even know I was crying. I nodded my head and kissed his lips. "I love you too baby."
I picked my head up from the toilet bowl. This is the 5 time in the last 4 days I've thrown up. I stood up and flushed the toilet. I walked to the sink and brushed my teeth. I grabbed my keys and walked to the lobby. Azura and August was at the beach so I had plenty of time. I called my driver to come pick me up. Once the car got here I told him to drive me to the nearest drug store. We pulled up 5 minutes later. I rushed inside and got what I needed ,and got back in the car. We got to the hotel and I ran up stairs and into the room. I walked into the bathroom and peed on the stick. I sat it on the counter and washed my hands.
15 minutes later....
The timer went off and I picked the stick up.
Not again!!
And scene!!! Lmaoo Ok so I wrote this on my phone and autocorrect be correcting shit that don't need to be corrected so sorry If it didn't make sense.
-Ashley is a fan of Jazmine ✋
-August and Jazmine realize they need to get it together
-They get back together
-Jazmine is pregoo
Oh yeah FMOIG @ xx.o._ (I follow back ) and if you wanna give me ideas or talk to me kik me @SwaggT.T

Fame and Family (Battle Field Sequel)
FanficAfter everything that night , nothing has been the same. Jazmine's feelings for August start to appear. August is throwing his relationship away. Brianna is feeling ignored. Everythings just out of control. And on top of that there is still a weddin...