Chapter 5

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After Kidd spent his rage by cutting up trees, he'd found himself at the edge of the village. Perhaps it wasn't an accident. He found himself wandering the roads once landing. No one in particular bothered him, Kidd was glad. That was until he passed an old raven.

The crone looked up to Kidd with a weather wrinkled face, a smile forever engraved on her face, "What troubles you, young fledgling?"

Her voice was like sandpaper and made the the fine hairs on Kidd's neck rise in unease, "Something I witnessed today, Hen. "

Kidd decided to humor the old crone as she invited him into her hut with a sweep of her large wings, "Come inside so we may chat more comfortably, Deary."

She turned and walked into the open hut from her porch chair with Kidd close behind. The hut was small and untidy. Kidd figured it was due to the crow's age, with that the wings tend to go as well. That is why elders typically live grounded or with good bridges between homes. Kidd didn't mind the place, it was kind of homely.

"Sit, " the crow sat on a finely woven wicker seat and gestured to a larger couch for Kidd.

Kidd sat. This lady reminded him of his grandmother with the familiar firmness in her voice when she ordered him to sit. And those beady little eyes.

"Now tell me what you saw. "


The crow stared at Kidd after he told her about the village square and meeting Law. Of course, he left out a few details, mostly glossing over over Law's curiosity and appearance.

She finally sat up and held her bony hands together, "That is unfortunate that the others have forgotten the legends. Besides that was no way to welcome a being to our village," a tired sigh seemed to deflate the old crow, "I am glad you were there to help the poor dear. He sounds lovely."

Kidd hummed in agreement, thoughts wandering to Law and these so called legends. Was the fish some kind of fairy tale parents tell their kids? The crow must have seen the thoughtful look on his face for she smiled with amusement dazzling her black eyes.

"Do you wish to hear them?"

Kidd did.


1: The first birdman to travel over the sea left their island with dried foods, a waterskin, and the prized spear of their people. The island chief set the traveler off with a warning: "follow the stars and do not stray, for if you do. You will be forever lost at sea."

The traveler to the advice seriously and began their journey by following the sun. They had not thought of what they would do when night fell. The sea had become choppy as the sky darkened with stormy clouds. Rain would not fall that night.

With no stars to follow, the traveler became lost. They flew until they became weary. The night never seemed to end. After some time a small light appeared below the birdman. They flew towards it.

The light led the traveler until morning. An island appeared in the distance, but the birdman was already exhausted. Their wings were stiff and sore, finally they could not support the birdman. They fell from the sky towards the sea.

The birdman met the light that was a creature that reminded it of fish. It called itself a merman. The merman brought the traveler to the island to rest before they returned to the birdman's home island. The island celebrated new friendship and the possibilities traveling over the ocean would bring with their friend as a guide.


"That will have to be all for today. It is late and these old bones need rest, " the old crone carefully eased herself from the wicker chair.

Kidd wanted to protest but kept his jaw clenched while aiding the older woman, "For today?"

The crow looked up to Kidd while patting his offered arm, "Yes, I would imagine you'd like to hear more legends. Besides you can call me Elder Nyon."

"Elder...Like come back tomorrow?" Kidd wasn't sure if this old crone knew what she was talking about, but a smaller side of him felt she might be lonely.

"Yes, yes. Now what shall I call you before you leave?"

"Kidd, " she smiled and headed to the private quarters.

"Have a safe flight home, Kidd. Goodnight."

Kidd walked out of Elder Nyon's house and stood on the porch for a moment. He wasn't sure how he felt of the elder, yet her story seemed to change something in him. The particular legend reminded him of his dream that Law also remembers. He should go ask the merman what he remembered.

Decision made, Kidd took to the skies and flew back to the pool to question Law.



Kidd hadn't come back and that had left Killer on edge. Seeing some destruction in the woods had not put him at ease with Kidd's state of mind. What would he do to that merman? Although Killer didn't worry about things with Kidd but this was with another sentient creature.

Killer paused his work on stripping bark for a fire in favor of looking up to Luffy's carefree, fire lit face. A twinge of jealousy struck Killer, he was grateful to his mask but the other didn't miss the tension in his shoulders.

"Don't worry. Kidd can take care of himself and the fishy thingy, " Luffy waved a hand as if to brush Killer's worry away.

Surprisingly, Killer felt as if the gesture had done just that. The hybrid fluttered down from his perch that was located near the open branched roof; Killer nearly flinched when the kid splat down on the flooring. Clumsy. Undeterred, Luffy quickly sprung up to dust himself off before walking over to Killer.

"Uh, hey. I know this can be uncomfortable from strangers, but I could preen your feathers if it helps you relax. I noticed you and Kidd often do it at night like some ritual between you, " Luffy ducked his head and scratched at the back of his head sheepishly.

Killer took a moment to weigh the offer. Luffy wasn't Kidd, but he wasn't wrong that it was like a ritual. Killer usually fell asleep with Kidd preening his feathers at night, had since they were young fledglings. He nodded, signaling that it would be okay.

A few moments later, they found themselves nested up in a corner near the fire. Killer insisted on preening Luffy's feathers first. He claimed it was so the younger could learn how to do it right since his wings were terribly out of sorts. Luffy had suspicions but saw sense in the kestrel's reasoning. Now Killer was comfortably hugging his pack like a pillow as the hybrid picked through his feathers. They weren't well practiced, but it was all Killer needed to relax. All other thoughts and worries were forgotten as Killer drifted off with Luffy.

Those would be problems he could address later, anyhow.


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