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Xandar's POV

The rumours were true. The vampires where hiding their so called secret weapon in the old caste, it was smart to do so. No one would think of going there, it was almost abandoned, or so we thought.

Our Spy had recently come back with news of this, we had been looking for something to hold against the vampires, to take away their power. They were destroying our world, turning almost every human and killing of packs, it had to end. The news gave me hope.

Other members of my council smirked in their seats as the spy announced the great news, my beta, Charlie arched a brow at me wondering what my input would be. Other around the table glanced at me waiting for my voice of reason.

"And did you manage to find out what the weapon was, George?" I ask the spy, George bowed his head in respect before answering my question. His chest inflamed as he took in a deep sigh.

"Not much, Alpha. Just a few whispers, they call it the hell hound, many occupants of the castle fear it and say with one single sinful confession, it takes your soul and sends it to hell." The room became still as he explained, many of the wolf's say around the table squirmed in their seats. I take a moment to glance down at my fathers ring, remembering his vow to find the vampires weakness and destroy them.

"We ambush tonight," I stand, everyone in the room mirror my actions. "No longer will we be fearful, once we have this -so called- hell hound, we use it or destroy it." My voice booms through the room, I can see slight fear in my councils eyes, yet they bow to me agreeing. "Gather the warriors Charlie," I turn to my beta, "and Rosaline make sure everyone in the pack stays in the bunker." I command my sister, they both nod and then everyone leaves the room.

I'm left alone with my thought, my father's ring burning in to my finger. Finally, I will make him proud.

Authors Note:

So that's the prologue, what do you think?

Xander will be played by Henry Cavill, or he can be anyone you want him to be!!

Let me know what you guys think!

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Happy reading,

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