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THE kiss seemed to last forever

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THE kiss seemed to last forever. Veronica didn't expect to clutch Steve tighter, nor did she expect for him to tangle his hands into her hair. The electricity was flowing through them like a powerline, sparking up whenever they broke away for air. Their hands were still laced, unable to break human contact, and Veronica was suddenly reminded of when she fell in love with Steve Harrington in the first place.

God, she thought to herself, are we as bad as the other couples performing PDA in a movie theater?

Steve leaned away, breathing in deeply through his nose, while his lips still lingered inches away from hers. His breath reeked, but Veronica still felt the quiet urge to kiss him again, to remember the stupid thing she let go. Steve's eyes were closed as he pressed his cheek against hers, drowsiness taking over his entire body. Pushing tufts of hair from his face, Veronica asked, "Are you okay?"

"Do you ..." Steve slumped, thumb occasionally brushing over her bronzed hand. "Do you want to go somewhere else?"

She bit her lip. It was a bad idea, she knew that, but she couldn't fight her desire to follow and kiss him all over again. His eyes opened. The dilation had died; the pretty brown ring had returned to his pupils, but Veronica questioned if the drug was still talking for him.

"No, Steve," she whispered. "We have to stay –"

He was pulling her up before she could finish her statement. With one hand on her hip, bringing her close to his chest, Veronica couldn't help but giggle as Steve guided her out of the theater. They tried tiptoeing in the darkness, but that was like finding a needle in a haystack as laughter took over their bodies, almost causing them to tumble forward. They held onto each other like nothing could break them apart. Veronica never wanted to move away.

Robin watched the interaction unfold with wide eyes. Upon seeing them leave the theater, she had tried crawling over the middle-aged people in front of her to stop them, but it was already too late. "Shit!" She whispered to herself, receiving a few shushes around her. She sent the culprits a glare before running off to find Dustin.

Steve stumbled into the empty women's bathroom first, dragging Veronica in by the sleeve of her uniform. He pressed her against the door, pushing wisps of faded blue hair out of her eyes, before placing a sloppy kiss on her jawline. Veronica wanted to push him off – it was the right thing – but she couldn't help herself. She really couldn't. She was selfish and she wanted to indulge in her past for just a little while, even if it was wrong.

Locking his lips onto hers, Veronica tasted the familiar flavor of cinnamon gum on his tongue. She always complained that he couldn't like spearmint like any other regular person, but now, she craved it like the nicotine that ran through her veins. Her head pounded, but she didn't care. Veronica tangled her arms around his neck, feeling the goosebumps on his skin that rose at her touch. Just a mere brush of her skin had him pausing in place, mouth lingering over hers to catch his breath. She found her brow furrowing once she opened her eyes.

SEVENTEEN ━ Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now