Chapter 10

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Rebel's POV

I watched from backstage as the Roll bot attacked the other four victors outside. I was the cause of this. I had called the bots on them and gotten them caught.

But they had tried to take me back to my old life. I didn't want that anymore. I had a new life that was much more glorious than before.

Todd entered backstage. He had a small scowl on his face, but grinned as soon as he saw me.

"Rebel! How are you feeling?"

"Fine," I replied.

"Good, good. I'm sorry they tried to take you away from your new life. Roll will get them out of your hair in a jiffy," Todd said cheerfully.

I nodded.

"Supreme Radish," a bot said. "The Games require your attention again."

Todd sighed. "Now what?"

"Alvin is about to lead Cole into one of his traps. This will end in the death of Cole," the bot replied.

Todd frowned. "Not Cole! I love how dramatic he is! But I can't kill Alvin, he's become hated by the fans, and they need someone in the Games to hate. Hmm..."

Now it was my turn to frown. Todd was acting like the contestants in the Games were characters that he controlled. This reminded me that he has rigged the competitions before, which sparked a question in my mind: were my Games rigged?

"Idea," Todd said to the bot. "Is there anyone else near Alvin's death trap right now?"

"Thomas is the closest in proximity to the trap," the bot answered.

"Kick him into it," Todd said. "Nobody really likes him anyway. Once he activates the trap, Alvin won't be able to lead Cole into it, correct?"

"Correct, Supreme Radish," the bot replied. A few seconds later, the unmistakeable cannon sounded.

"That was Thomas, good. Remind me who else is left?" Todd asked.

"The remaining contestants are Alvin, Cole, Collin, Jimmie, JT, Kelsey, Ry, Stab, Venn, and Yuri," the bot listed.

"Ah, the final ten. Perfect," Todd said. "How's Ry doing?"

"She's doing well. She befriended Collin, who is hated by everyone else so far."

"That's interesting," Todd replied. "And wh—"

"Did you rig my Games?"

Todd paused and looked at me. "What do you mean?"

"I know you rig the Games. Did you rig the one I was in?" I clarified.

"Guided, not rigged," Todd corrected me. "And yes, I did in some parts. But not severely."

I pondered this response. "So, theoretically, that could mean I didn't deserve my win?"

"Of course you deserve your win, Rebel!" Todd replied. "You would have won either way!"

His eyes widened.

Mine did the same as I processed what he just said. You would have won either way.

That means—

Before I could finish my thought, something huge came flying through the curtain and collided with us both. I blacked out.


Leo's POV

The Roll Bot roared and began to roll toward us. I raised my magnetic wave pistol and fired at it. It didn't affect the huge bot. The fancy pistol Hood gave me only worked on the smaller Radish bots.

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