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*blink blink*

I woke up to an unfamiliar ceiling, feeling a little lost as my eyes took some time to adjust to the dimly lit room. Where am I? I thought and turned my head to scan the room, a thick blanket was hanging over the window drapes explaining why the room was so dark even though the bedside clock showed 2pm. Nervousness crept up my stomach as I looked around, there wasn’t much to take in about the room – a small on one side, next to which stood a cupboard, a study table near the covered window and a door which I assumed to be the bathroom was towards the right of the room.

I groaned as I attempted to sit up on my elbows only to fall back, “ah!” I exclaimed, my head not only felt extremely heavy but was pounding atrociously. “Oooooow….” I moaned holding my aching head between my hands and curling up in to a fetal position. I moaned pathetically in to the pillow, clutching the bed sheet in pain. I tried to muffle my sounds in to the pillow but I guess that didn’t work since the door creped open slowly allowing the hallway light to fall as a narrow stream in to the room

“I thought I heard something” an unrecognizable raspy voice said.

 “Go away,” I whimpered like a whipped dog as I pulled the blanket over me. I just wanted everyone to leave me alone; I wanted to be left until this pain was gone.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart but it’s about time you get up.” Heavy footsteps made their way to the window and pulled down the sheet allowing the small room to be flooded in what I would call, considering the state of condition I was in, was God’s glory.

“Goddamn it….” I managed to croak out, my throat felt dry but I could care less about that now. The blinding sunlight was my biggest worry, I tried to push myself further in to the mattress hoping that it would swallow me and cocoon me in its feathery heaven.

“C’mon, sweetheart,” the mattress shifted as the person sat down next to me. My mind should have been panicking, wondering as to who this unfamiliar being was and what the heck I was doing here but I think my pounding head was making me lose my senses.

I don’t remember much about last night, except, well driving around, going to a party and having a few drinks. I debated whether or not to take a peek, and give myself an idea of at least whose house I was in.

And then it hit me.

I was in someone else’s house!

Oh, my god!

Looking down at myself I now only noticed my bare body except for my panty and an unfamiliar t-shirt. My panicked mind was working at a furious pace, Ooooh god, no I groaned inwardly rummaging through my aching mind for any memory of last night.

Whoever this person was, ugh, he….he…I had slept with him!

Oh Holy Lord, that was not good.

How I wish I could have just melted away right then and there instead of having to face the bastard. My heart was ramming itself against my chest and I couldn’t stop breathing heavily, gulping down air like a panting dog.

“Um…hey?” he said again, this time stroking my head. I flinched and attempted to move away but my body wouldn’t cooperate.

Ok, ok, Katelynn, lets just get out of this sheet and face the bast-boy,

Boy, I meant boy.

I took another deep breathe preparing myself, and slowly inch by torturing inch I brought the sheet down until my throat. Holding it against me tightly as a shield, I tried to glare at the boy in front of me but the light was too much and I probably looked like I was squinting.

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