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I'm living my best life here in South Korea so of course, I had to make a story about Norjoon meeting in Korea. Fentyways! Enjoy if you wanna and feel free to comment etc etc



"Is that a map?"

"Oh you still know what those are?"

Namjoon rolled his eyes at Yoongi before staring at the girl for a few more seconds. She was in between the two subway lines, looking quite desperate as she flipped her gaze between the map and the signs.

Joon smiles slightly as everyone around her stared at the girl. Not because she had a stupid map in her hand but because she didn't look like everyone else. Her dark skin made her stick out like a sore thumb. Not that it was a bad thing but there wasn't a lot of people like her in Korea unless they were military, business personnel, students or teachers.

He wondered which one she was.

He let out a sigh as he approached the woman, feeling bad for her.

"Excuse me, do you speak English?" Joon asked as he pulled down his mask.

The young girl looked up from her tiny map and smiled at the handsome stranger.

"Yes, I do."

Namjoon grinned before looking down at her map. "Where are you trying to go?"

The woman felt heat rush to her cheeks. Of course he took pity on her.

"Oh, I'm trying to get to Myeongdong but I don't think I'm going the right way." She saw him chuckle and felt even more embarrassed.

"I'm not laughing at you it's just I really can't remember the last time I saw someone use a map that wasn't digital." He smiled warmly at her and she felt a little better.

"Ok so right now, we're at the Seoul bus station." He took out his phone showing her the subway map on his phone. "So you're gonna get on this train right here, and you're gonna get off in three stops." He looked up at her to make sure she was following. "Where in Myeongdong are you going?"

"The line friends store? My friend Ryan is obsessed with BTS and I guess they made characters or something so she asked me to get her a cushion annnnd you really don't care much about that, sorry." She giggled nervously.

He lowered his eyes slightly at her.

How ironic.

"No you're fine." He smiled. "So as soon as you get off the train, you're gonna go up this street, and it's gonna look like you're in Times Square, the Line Friends Store should be on your left."

She smiled at him as he patted his pockets. "Ah, here." He uncapped the pen in his hand. "This app is called Naver Map, it shows the subway map and you can take screenshots to keep your hands free."

He liked how her eyes twinkled every time she smiled.

"Thank you..." she smiled waiting for him to say his name.

"Oh, Namjoon."

"Namjoon! Thank you again. I'm Normani."

"Normani, nice to meet you." She thanked him once more before he left to go back to Yoongi.

As she walked to her train on the opposite side of him, Namjoon took a look once more, happy that their eyes met.

There was something in him that gave him the feeling she was important to him in some way. Like that moment of them meeting way supposed to happen.

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