The Dream

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Sasha was in a big field, it was a peaceful summer morning. She looked down and saw that she was in a white gown and bare-foot. The grass on her feet was soft. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Spartan run past her. She called out for Spartan, and as she commanded he came over to her. When he stopped, she started to pet his neck. To her amazement, Spartan's neck was very soft. Sasha then grabbed Spartans mane and flung herself up onto Spartans back. Sasha began to think that she wanted to move forward. All of the sudden, Spartan started to move forward. Sasha was happy to feel this happening, and she wanted to go faster. Before she knew it they were running through the new summer meadow. As Spartan cleared a hill, Sasha started to see a lake appear. Spartans ears perked up and he started to go faster. Sasha leaned up against Spartan with his mane in her hands. The lake slowly grew closer as time seamed to freeze in its tracks. Spartan was still going as fast as he could, they were getting close to the waters edge. Spartan turned and went up onto a ridge that looked over the lake. Without stopping, he jumped into the water. Shasha woke up as she felt water on her legs. She had startled Spartan from his slumber and he was getting up. Sasha rolled out of the way and hopped to her feet. It was morning and Spartan's water bucket had leaked in his stall."Well Spartan that was a nice dream," said Sasha petting Spartan. Sasha went and grabbed a bale of hay and through it into Spartan's stall. She grabbed her knife and cut the strings.

"Alright, I have to go to town and try and keep Amy busy," said Sasha walking out of Spartan's stall. Sasha went and hopped in her truck, went to her house and took a shower to get ready to go to town.

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