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Name: Daphne

Age: 19

Species: Honey Badger

Ability: She is immune to poison and fumes, so there's no point in trying to knock her out with any kind of gas, poison, or tranquilizer. She has naturally tough skin, but the scientific tests done on her caused her skin to become even tougher, making her bulletproof. However, the left side of her chest is vulnerable, so she always wears something bulletproof there to protect herself.
Her skin is at its toughest when she eats a lot of honey, as her body manages to break it down and make it into a tough armor of sorts, though no one knows exactly how as of yet. Because of this, she's often eating honey.

Rank: Rookie

Agent Rank:


Dynamix Air Force:
DSWAT(Dynamix Special Weapons & Tactics):
Specials Forces:
Interstellar Militia:


Full Name: Daphne J. Taylor
Nickname: Dee
Age: 19
Date Of Birth: December 24th, 2000
Species: Honey Badger
Gender: Female
Ability: Her natural abilities are resisting the poison of snakes, and she has the ability to not be harmed by bee stings and porcupine quills due to her thick skin. Her skin is also loose, allowing her to be able to free herself from the grasp of anyone who doesn't know a thing about Honey Badgers.
Appearance: She has black fur, save for the top of her head all the way to the top of her tail, which is gray in color. Her nose is black, her ears are small, and the tips of her ears are gray, whereas the lower part of her ears is black. She also has long claws on her hands and feet. Her eyes are green.
Height: 5'3"
Personality: She is certainly not sweet like the sweet treat she loves. She is, in fact, far from it. She's feisty, she's snappy, sarcastic, and sometimes plain rude. She may have a calmer and more caring/loving side to her, but if she does, no one has ever seen it before. As the meme goes, "Honey Badger don't care".
Sometimes, she loves starting a fight, and she never starts a fight that she can't finish. If someone else tries to start a fight with her, she won't back down and will gladly give them the fight they've been looking for. Despite being pretty small, she's an excellent fighter, and she always intends to win every fight she participates in.
Background: When Daphne was young, she was taken from her family and placed in the foster system. The person in charge would experiment on some of the kids to try and mutate them, out of curiosity, and said person also wanted at least one kid from her foster home to become something more. After a lot of experimentation, she managed to mutate one of the children: Daphne.
Daphne, at a young age, began to practice her martial arts skills and learned many forms of fighting, and she worked on honing her natural abilities, as well as the abilities she'd been given by the freak of a woman that watched over her.
Daphne was the only kid from the 2000's by the time she was 12. No one wanted her because of her attitude, and she misbehaved so that no one would want her. She was a loner who didn't need anybody, and who would understand a honey badger, anyways?
At eighteen, she was allowed the leave the foster system, so she went out on her own and got a job. It was simple, but at the same time a lot, so she got paid good, and it was enough for her to get an apartment and pay for her needs. She finally managed to get into Dynamix, where she's now a brand new Rookie.
Crush/Relationship Status: None
. She never talks about her past
. She only talks to others when she's spoken to, and even then, she keeps her replies as short as possible
. She doesn't understand emotions unless it has to do with anger, hatred, or sadness
. She doesn't understand the feeling of loneliness, as she loves to be alone, and always has
. She doesn't like or understand hugs
. She doesn't understand why anyone would even want to try to become her friend

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2019 ⏰

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