5. The Crew

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"Yeosang do you actually need help with anything? I mean you're the navigator.....what do you even do?"

"Well sometimes it would be nice to get help but mostly no and what I do? I usually just do research on places that we could go and raid so nothing that interesting"

"Then how am I supposed to help you if you don't need help with anything?" "You can help me to keep an eye on the rest of the crew. I'm usually the one in charge of it because I have the most free time" "Keep an eye on them? Why?" "Well we need to look out for the crew members that might not be trustable anymore and once we've chosen who are too dangerous to keep on the ship......well you know what happens..." "You're going to leave them on a shore and do something that they have no idea who they are and how they got there?" "Something like that"

After the whole fiasco of you passing out, the next few days had been you walking around the deck and spending your time with Yeosang in your cabin.

You had found out more about the main crew from Yeosang and also how they met each other.

Apparently Hongjoong and Seonghwa where friends before meeting the rest of the members. First was Mingi whom they met while they were on the road. After they let him come with them they snuck onto a royal ship and made their way to the Royal city. There they met Jongho who had broken out of the cells and was in hiding. They took him with them and snuck onto the first ship that left the port. And that's how they ended up in Tortuga, where they met the rest. San and Yunho they saved from getting killed in a bar fight and for Yeosang and Wooyoung. Well their story is a little bit like mine. After meeting with Yunho and San they decided to buy a smaller ship in order to travel on their own. They bought the ship together and bought enough supplies to last them for few months or so. And after they had left to the sea. While there they found Yeosang and Wooyoung hiding in the hold. They had no reason to suspect them for anything so they let them stay with them.

You had tried to ask Yeosang a bit more details about the others backgrounds but he said that it's not his story to tell and when you asked about his childhood he went quiet. You could see that it was a hard topic for him which is why you decided to let him tell you when and if he's comfortable.

Soon however would be the first time you would be getting onto land in a while. You were excited but also a little nervous because the town you would be filled with soldiers of the Royal Army but the captain insists on going there since there is a certain merchant that not only sells almost everything you need but also has some information that he's willing to give you since he and one of the crew members are brothers.

When you heard about finally getting on dry land you were happy but then you realized that they may not let you off the ship. You asked Yeosang if you could come along with them and he promised to talk to the captain about it.

You had also gotten closer with some other crew members, albeit being the only female on board.

The closest you've become besides Yeosang would have to be Wooyoung. Yeosang and Wooyoung apparently are extremely close and while Yeosang had kept you company during all this time, Wooyoung had joined the two of you. After a day you and Wooyoung had started talking to each other more especially after he found you up in the crows nest. You bonded immediately and you spent a lot of time talking with him in the crows nest since that was the place you spent most of your time while on Feather.

You had heard stories of the infamous lookout that could shoot a person right into their head even from far away and when given a sword, in close combat he would be unstoppable. You can't lie that you weren't a little scared of him. But when you got to know him and found out what kind of a person he truly is, you became very comfortable around him. He was nothing like the stories made him sound like, cold and ruthless killer, instead he was talkative and loud and overall a cheerful person. There was never a dull moment when he was around.

He even admitted that he didn't really like being the lookout since it can get pretty boring but didn't want to reveal it to the captain. That's why you said that you could be the lookout in his place from time to time since you felt at ease up there, like nothing had changed and you were still with your brother and your old crew. It was a place for you where you could be alone with your thoughts and feel free.

With the rest of the crew you had a neutral relationship for the most part. Obviously you were close with Yeosang and Wooyong, but for the rest there were some variations. San, Yunho, Seonghwa and Jongho you didn't have anything against them but you weren't that close either. On the other hand you were terrified of Hongjoong and even Mingi. Why you terrified of them? Both of them seemed always so imitating, always wearing a blank expression on their face never a smile. Of course you didn't know how they were behind closed doors but what you have seen of them, they actually seemed like what the stories made you think of them.

Now you were up in the crows nest and it made you think of your brother and your old crew. You wondered if they knew that you were still alive or did the authorities lie to them. You also contemplated that even if they knew you were alive would they try and find you. You wanted to think that they would but something inside of you also didn't want them to find you. It confused you. Your brother has been for the longest the only family you had, so why would you not want him to find you.

Your chain of thought was interrupted by someone yelling.

"Wooyong you up there?" You look down at the person and see that it's Yunho. "No it's just me" "Then do you know where he is?" "Not sure but he said something about going to sharpen his sword so he's probably somewhere in the weapon hold" At that he turned around making his way to look for the other male. You slump back down and look up to the sky and there is a one thought that wont leave your mind.

Do you actually want to stay with Ateez?


It's been a while since I uploaded.

Writhing this chapter was a pain and I'm still not completely happy with it but whatever.

It's also super annoying that every time I have inspiration to write I'm unable to write due to school and when I would have the time I have no inspiration or idea what to write........

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