Chapter 3

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I get up next morning just as the sun is starting to rise. It is barley peaking out from all the bushes and trees. I can hear a few birds in the distance chirping and singing. I can also hear a few animals crunching leaves while running around. Probably pursuing another animal or maybe the prey is running away. I wonder am I the predator or the prey?

Once I finally get up out of my makeshift shelter thing I decide that first and foremost I need water. I can't drink the water surrounding me because it is salt water. I need to find a source of water on island. I am thirsty already but I drank the water I found in a bottle on the beach yesterday so I will have to put up with it for now. How long does it take to die of thirst?
Three days?

When I start to head off I decide to go to the East. I should be able to find my way back because I can just follow the sun. I quickly grab my water bottle to fill up with water when I find it and grab my bag in case if I find anything on the way.

I walk east, further into the jungle. I look around at the beautiful, but probably deadly flowers and the berries. I am going to need to find a good source of food. How am I going to be able to decipher what is edible and what will kill me?

I walk up to the berries that I see. They look vaguely familiar. The tour guide talked about a few berries. I only remember a little bit. I really I wish I paid more attention to it. I decide to pick a few of them anyway. I will test my memory later.

I walk probably another mile when I finally hear what sounds like water in the distance. It sounds like a small running river. I run over quickly and almost trip on a branch but I quickly regain my balance. Once I get there I cup some water and splash it on my face. I have only been walking for like 30 minutes but I am sweating buckets.

I then cup some more up in my hands and take a sip. It is smooth and quenches my thirst perfectly. Splashing against the sides of my mouth and going down my throat, and oh does it feel so good. I grab my water bottle from my bag and chug it down once I fill it. I then refill it quickly and put it in my bag. I make sure that it is fully closed because I do not want ANY of the water spilling out.

As I walk back I think about how much I regret not grabbing more water bottles when I was walking. What was I thinking? That home was going to be around that turn? That if I hoped hard enough magically I was going to wake up at home like how I woke up here?

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