Season 1's Finale

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In the Milky Way, there is, like always, a peaceful atmosphere. All seems to be nice and serene. But the truth is not nice. Or it's rather close to be disturbed again. A gigantic comet, called NOVA, can be seen in the space, in the middle of multiple stars and planets. And just in front of it, a little being with a jester hat, without any arm and just his greed for motive. He's floating, looking at NOVA in his giant eyes.

NOVA : What is your wish ?

The creature then smiles and pronounces his words :

Marx : I, Marx, want to rule all !

NOVA : Very well.

The creature called Marx is then completely surrounded by light as a grin appears on his face.

- The Arctic, Earth -

However, in the Arctic, a man is walking alone. He has black hairs, and doesn't really seem to suffer from the cold despite being bare-chested. A sad look on his eyes, he keeps walking with his crown on his forehead, alone. Then, he clenches his fists, and his look becomes suddenly angry. That man is the Super Saiyan called Broly.

Broly : ...Kakarot...

His energy then rises around him, he turns his head to the sky, opens his mouth and howls again.

Broly : KAKAROT !

His hairs turn blue, and the crown on his forehead shakes a little, while Broly turns into his Restricted Super Saiyan form, as the ki which emanates from him destroys the ground he is standing.

Broly : KAKAROT ! I will find you, and I will kill you !

- Somewhere else in the Arctic, Earth -

Goku : Hi, Superman !

Superman : Goku, I was expecting you.

Goku then turns into his Super Saiyan God form, and prepares himself to face Superman.

Goku : Ready for a rem... Wait.

Superman : What ?

Both stop to take their fighting stance, and look around them. Superman then turns to Goku.

Superman : Are you feeling this powerful energy ? It seems similar to yours.

Goku : Yeah, and I don't know much people with that much ki either.

Superman : Let's go find what's the deal.

- Space -

Marx emerges from the light. He is no longer the little jester bouncing on his ball, but now, he is a monster. He has wings, and he appears like a bat creature. His face shows how crazy he becomes in the inside too. He flies at incredible speed all around the space, searching for places to rule, and foes to destroy. He then sees a beautiful blue planet, but it isn't for its beauty that it stops his fly. It is for the tremendous and evil energy he feels on it.

Marx : Interesting ! A being that powerful could be a great ally, and so an easy pawn to stab on the back muhahaha !

He then decides to fly to Earth, to meet the one who has that much power. He then lands on Arctic too.

Antasma's DEATH BATTLE Season 1 Finale: Marx vs BrolyWhere stories live. Discover now