Within the first few weeks of the court case, the judge had already filed full custody under Brandon. And from there, their family was finally happy. The only thing left is the wedding we're all waiting for now that Lily is old enough to be the flower girl.
"Zion, Z, Babe. Caleb!" I yelled trying to get his attention. He finally paused the game and turned to me.
"Yes Bebe." He says putting his forehead on mine.
"We have to pick the colors for the flowers and table spreads, or do you just want to forget about the wedding and marry the game?" I asked. Our wedding is set for early December, so we are losing and counting the days as he plays video games all day.
"I'm sorry, what colors were you thinking?" He asked finally turning off the game and giving me his full attention.
"I was thinking we went for a...
Brandon's POV
"Lily, if you want to get ice cream you have to give me my phone." I said the little girl running around my room. Her eyes sparkled at the mention of her favorite thing in the world. She instantly gave me my phone.
"I'm hurt baby, you love ice cream more than daddy." I fake cried. She giggled then walked out of the room. I'm raising such a drama queen, I'm going to love her toddler years. I looked around for my wallet, then realized she had it. Damn again.
"Lily!" I yelled exiting the room.
I heard Brandon yell then looked at the toddler prancing her way through the house with his wallet.
"Oh this is rich, Z look at her." I chuckled.
"Is that?"
"Brandon's wallet, yes it is." I chuckled as Brandon marched into the room with a stern look on his face.
"She has it, doesn't she?" I nodded.
"Les go, get ice ceam daddy!" Lily exclaimed jumping up and down.
"Well how am I going to get ice cream without my wallet?" He asked her bending down to her level. They had a little cute debacle before Nick entered the room with his big ass shark teeth on full display.
"Yo I have news!" He exclaimed. Everyone was already in the room, so I had to put a little humor into the situation.
"Emaza is pregnant!" I joked expecting him to laugh, but he didn't. Everyone laughed, but him. Oh shit, I'm psychic.
"Wait, is it true? Oh my god, I'm the official PRETTYMUCH babysitter!" I exclaimed.
"Congrats bro." Brandon said giving him a hug. Then I got up hugged him and headed for the door.
"Y/N, where are you going?" Brandon asked.
"Next door, to congratulate Emaza in person like a normal human being." They chuckled then I went next door to see her.
I opened the door and said, "What is it, a game to see who has a baby next?" She laughed at my enthusiasm.
"No, but seriously, you're having baby Mara!" I said hugging her.
"I know, it's weird but exciting. You should have a baby too!" Bruh she did not just say that.
"Nah, I'm good. I'd kinda rather have a wedding." She chuckled.
"Speaking of Maid of Honor, you are going to steal all my attention with your soon to be baby bump." I joked.
"Not if I wear a dress big enough." I chuckled and sat down in her living room.
"We have to order the dresses like tomorrow so like how is this going to work?" She asked pointing to her FLAT stomach.
"Bitch I don't even know what you're pointing at, it's flat for now." She slapped my arm.
"Okay okay, how about we get the biggest size available then tailor it as the baby gets bigger or close to the wedding so we know exactly what the size should be?" She nodded her head. We were working on the seating arrangements when she started crying out of the blue.
"Maza, what's wrong?"
"I'm just so happy for you and Z. Fucking pregnancy hormones." She chuckled.
"Oh my god, you scared me."
"Don't worry about me, worry about what Z's going to say about that dress. If you don't get pregnant because of it, there's no hope." She smirked, looking at the dress I'm wearing to the reception.
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I slapped her arm, "You're crazy, and speaking of we should probably go see what those boys are doing." She agreed and we walked back to the PM house. By the time we walked in the fire alarm started going off.
"We left for too long, they're already trying to burn down the house." Emaza jokes, but not really.
"What happened?" I screamed.
"Nick did it!" They all admitted except for the man himself.
"Damn, I can never catch a break." Emaza groaned.
"That's your baby daddy, go fix him." She glared at me while I walked to my baby.
"Why did y'all let him in the kitchen?" I said hugging him.
"In our defense he said that he knew how to use the stovetop, but I guess not." Z chuckled then kissed my forehead.
"Nick are you kidding me!" Maza yelled.
"Maybe we should disappear while we still can." I said. He smirked, picked me up and ran to our room.
"Z, that's not was I talking about, but I don't mind."
This has been one hell of a ride.
A/N: endings always suck, let's see what the actual characters think about it..