The Best Secrets Are The Most Twisted

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Sometimes you sit and wonder, how can there be so much you don't know? Something your completely oblivious too, that's right under your nose.

18th February 2017

My Emma. Missing. One month and eleven days. Each second was pure pain. Every moment filled with despair. Where is my love? Is she ever coming home?

The cops I hear you ask? Well. The cops were no help. My Emma has been gone for a while now. So they gave up. They closed the investigation, in their eyes , my wife was already dead , I refused to believe, but there are no otherwise signs. However, one piece of evidence was retrieved from our home on the day of the disappearance. A diary. The Diary Of Emma Swan , written in her child-like writing. When the case was wrongly closed I was able to persuade some investigators to let me keep her diary, I had no idea it was there yet it was hidden under my nose in the bookshelf we keep in our bedroom. I'm not much of a reader , I find myself too busy and Em? Well she's a child at heart. I never saw her read a book. Not once therefore neither of us took anything from that bookshelf. Or so I thought. This was the clever plan of my wife , to hide something from me, in plain sight, nonetheless that she knew I'd never find. I couldn't sneak a look as to what was in this diary but I was allowed it when the police announced it useless within the case. I know my wife. If anything was going to give me a clue as to what happened or where she is, it's going to be this Diary that was kept a secret from me.

The first entry was written on the 8th June , 2012 , just under two years after we first met, and the last entry was from the 6th January 2017 ...

...the day before she vanished.

I won't lie and say that this doesn't hurt me. It does. We were a team and everything we did we did together. No secrets. No lies and 100% trust. And this diary , this makes me believe it was all for nothing. The police announced it 'useless' but I know my wife more than anyone, and the words scribbled on each page were far from 'useless' they were clues. She yearned for this to be found , but my dear ,

they aren't as smart as you & I.

In fact , here are some of the entries.

23rd June 2012 ,

Me and Regina have been dating for a little over a year. That's all really. I love her so much and she's a great help.

24th July 2012,

My diner is doing great , business is good and my girls are on top form as ever, I hoped that Regina could love my diner as much as I do one day.

25th August 2012 ,

The summer is basically over soon. It was spent in the company of my beautiful girlfriend Regina. One day I'll make that woman my wife. My wife. I could get used to saying that.

26th September 2012,

The diner isn't doing so well , and I am struggling with finances at the minute. Regina is my saviour at the minute and her help is appreciated.

27th October 2012,

I'm so excited ! There's only 4 days till Halloween ! I'm so ready for scary movies and candy, Regina always says that a lot of bad and dangerous things happen on Halloween. I say she needs to have more fun.

28th November 2012,

Gina won't let us put our Christmas tree up yet even though it's basically December already. I adore Christmas so much but Gina hates it. This year I'm gonna show her just how amazing this is , I've tried to show her how amazing it is but this year , is going to be the one.

29th December 2012,

The year 2012 is almost over , there's been highs and lows but all was worth in the end. Regina loved Christmas this year. She doesn't have to be scared of loneliness anymore. She has me.

Until next year

~ Emma Swan.

You read all those entries right? Those harmless , poorly written entries? So did I. They made my heart swell of all the memories that I had forgotten about but Emma kept in her heart. I knew that that diary however contained the answer , the key to the secret , whatever the secret may be. So I carried on reading, I read each entry multiple times each day , over and over again , searching for something. Anything at all. I spent , days , weeks.

And then I realised how smart My Emma can be.

You see my wife loved puzzles. Crosswords , word-searches , sudoku , she loves them all. So that's what I did. Began thinking like a puzzle solver.

And I found something. I found the key.

So look back on each entry , starting with the date of each one. More specifically the first number. Do you see a pattern? Good. Now read over the writing once more keeping that first number in mind and the word it lands on, grab a pen and some paper , make a note , I'll let you figure the key out yourselves

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