Chapter 1

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Leah's POV

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"Leah what are you doing?"

I spin my head around to find my sister, twin sister Grace.

"Just listening to the birds chirp.", I say as I hop down from my window seat.

"Oh, well mom said that you need to start packing your suitcase for the beach house."

I nod, "On it."

Once she leaves I sprint to the hall closet to get my suitcase.

As I come back I hear the birds chirp again.

I listen for a moment then I walk over to my closet and start ripping clothes from my closet, making sure everything matches.

After I'm almost done with my clothes I walk to the bathroom.

I shut the door shivering at my sisters many scientific books on the sink.

I grab a few bows, hairbrush and my toothbrush and toothpaste.


I open the door, "What?"

"Dinners ready!"

I sigh and make my way downstairs.

I take my seat next to Grace.

As soon as I sit down dinner is served.

We're having tacos.

"So, how was school girls?", asks my dad.

I smile.

My dad is British so it's funny when he talks.

"Great, I got a 100 on my math test.", I hear Grace say.

"Well that's no surprise.", I say under my breath.

"And how did you do Leah."

I look up at my mom.

"I got a 63."

I hear my dad drop his fork.

"Well you better get it corrected."

I nod as I bite into my taco.

"So are you girls exited to go to the beach house tomorrow?", my mom asks quickly changing the subject.

"I'm excited.", I say as happy as I can.

"Mom do you know what time you'll be checking is out from school?", Grace asks.

"Around noon."

Graces face turns to stone.

"No mom please can you take us out around 2. I have at science test tomorrow!"

I hold back a giggle.


Grace groans.

Once we're almost done eating the front door opens.

"Hey I'm home!"

I walk with my mom to meet my older brothers, Nash and Alex.

"You're late.", my mom states.

"Well ya but we still came in time for the leftover tacos!", Nash says.

I roll my eyes and go upstairs.

The sun is setting.

I sit on my window seat and try to listen to the birds, but they're not there anymore.

I sigh.

"Are they gone?"

I flip my head around to find Grace.

"Are who gone?", I ask.

"Oh don't play dumb Leah. The birds are gone.", she says like I'm a two year old.

"Stop talking to me like I'm stupid.", I say offended.

"Well you are."

"Am not!"

"Okay prove it."

"I will!"

"Okay what's 9 times 7?"

I think for a moment.


She groans.

"Leah 9 times 7 is 63. See you really are stupid."

I swear my face turns as red as a fire truck.

"Get out!", I yell as I shove her out of my room and lock my door.

I run back to my window seat and start bawling me eyes out.

It's times like these I wish I didn't have a twin.

It's times like these I wish the birds would chirp.

It's times like these I wish I wasn't so stupid.

After a while I stop crying.

I look out of my window.

The sun set.

I stand up and dab my face with a tissue.

I silently open my door and walk downstairs.

Once I'm in the kitchen I grab some of the double stuffed Oreos and a glass of milk.

Then I race up to my room hoping no one would see or hear me.

After I'm safely in my room again I set my milk and cookies down.

I walk over to my window and close my curtains.

As soon as that's done I sprint over to my dresser and grab some of my gym sweatpants and a tank.

Once I'm dressed I sit down on my bed and eat my cookies and play on my phone.

After a while I drink my milk and I turn my tv on and I eventually pass out.

I guess I dream about me and my sister and my twin sister.

My sister was all about Grace.

And I was left talking to myself.

But then again that's my life right now except it's my own parents.


And that's the 1st chapter in my new book!

Do you like the characters so far?

Next chapter: Grace's POV. See how the twins get ready in the morning.

See ya later!

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