N. Mystery girl

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Nancy's PoV

There are many different groups here in university,  some are well known for their lifestyle. The others is because of their looks and I  guess I belong to this one. And the Lee's cousins, they are Lee Hyebin the oldest one and she's 2 years ahead of me. She's the heir of Lee Malls and hotels. She's good in socializing with people and she's also a part of student council. Thats all I know about her, her looks? Well she's pretty but not my type. The second is Lee Dabin, they say that she's the prettiest but I never seen her. She's the blackship of their family. Why? She don't go often in schools, break the rules and always fight whenever she want. Thats what I heard from my seniors. Its been two years since the last time they saw her, there are also humors that she died? Funny right? But someone said that she's using another name to hide her identity and she's still here roaming in this University.  The last one is Lee Ahin, well I'm not boasting but she's a friend of mine. We're in the same school year. We are friends since high school and I don't see any different from her. I know she's super rich and she have eight bodyguards. But it's okay, she need them to survive. Her father is Senator and her mother is a business woman.  They're so lucky to be born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Me? I'm just in a middle class , My Dad is working in Lee Corp. I don't know who's Lee but I know it's not from Ahin's family business.  My mom? Well she's a nurse, I haven't seen her in awhile because of her work. I can say that I inherited my father's DNA,  sometimes I heard them calling me Angel,  goddess,  princess,  blah , blah ... at least I'm beautiful and I'm proud of it. Now I'm heading in our room, I can hear them calling me but I have to pretend I didn't hear them. Why? That is what you called fame, I choose who's going to be my friends and whose going to be my fans, whatever. It's my second year, BS Nursing.  My mom said that I will take over her job in the right time so I take this course.  It's kinda disgusting though but it's my life. I don't have a choice, what my parents wants always right.  That's Jooe,  the one with pink hair. I addedher to my friend list since she's Lee. I thought she's super rich but she's also in the middle class like me. But I don't care now, Jooe is my super bff. She's my happy pill, our happy pill.


In the middle of our class, a girl came in and sit at our back then sleep. Our professor seems to noticed her but she ignored the girl and continue her discussion . Meanwhile,  Ahin went to her place and offer her water. As I watching them, I noticed that the mystery girl looks gorgeous even though she smells. Her eyes is such a beauty,  and her nose is wow... and her lips... why do I  feel like I want to touch it? It looks so soft... and when she drink the water. .. I can't help myself to look in her neck. The way she gulp is also interesting. What the heck! This is wrong Nancy,  you're so dirty. Erase... erase... erase that memory. I shake my head like an idiot and when I  turn back to look at them, only Ahin is there and the mystery girl is gone.

You okay Nancy ? I have a good news, we can now have a beach party! Ahin said excitedly and even our classmates looks excited. Prepare your best swimsuit and night dress or you want to accompany me? I'll go shopping later!

What?? Of course I'm in! You're the best Ahin! I control my voice so that our professor will not mention me. Hmm.. who's the girl you talked to?

Who? Nancy point the sit in their back. Ahh... she's  uhm... uhm she's bodyguard . Yeah... yeah my body guard. But I don't really know her personally,  she's one of my new bodyguards so just ignore her. I'm sorry for lying Nancy, but she don't want anyone to know her.

Bodyguards?  Uh.. okay, she looks cool and she also stinks.  Why don't you tell her to wash herself first before working? Not because I care but I think it's necessary right? I heard Ahin giggle  Come on I'm serious Ahin.

Okay... I'll tell her. If you just know her I swear.... that word will never slip in your mouth hahahaha....


You better read Yeonwoo's story 😜😜

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2019 ⏰

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