On the Waterfront

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I was released from the hospital later that day. I was to remain at home for a couple of days to recover from the trauma I had just experienced a day ago.

Later that evening, Jackson and Crabtree were questioning residents on the waterfront to see if Mick and Tim O'Shae had been seen lately.

Jackson was patrolling the south end whilst George was patrolling the north when two men emerged from the shadows and beat Jackson senseless.

At the crack of dawn, Murdoch awoke and despite the doctors orders, headed to the hospital where Jackson was recovering from his wounds at.

Jackson was awake and looking quite well when Murdoch entered his room. Murdoch briefly spoke to the nurse regarding Jacksons injuries then took a seat next to Jackson and began to question him on his memories of the previous night.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2016 ⏰

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