/19/ Truth or Dare

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Y/N'S pov

    I got up from the couch and walked outside. Caylus was in the pool and I said," Hey baby whatcha doing?" He smiled at and said," Missing you and wanting to play a game with the whole group." I nodded and said," Well we could play truth or dare or something for a little while." He nodded and I walked over into the house and yelled," Let's play truth or dare!"

   Everyone walked down the steps and sat on the ground forming a line on the cement ground and Caylus said," Yo what the heck dude?" Tal than asked," Truth or Dare Y/N???" He seemed serious but I knew he was joking because he was doing his fake eye twitch. I than replied with," DARE!" He than said," I dare you to make out with Caylus in the pool." My eyes widened and I took my shirt and pants off and jumped in.

   He pushed my body up against the wall and he kissed me roughly. I moaned a slight bit and than he bit my lip and I let him slip his tongue into my mouth. The guys were filming but I didn't care. He started caressing my boob but I couldn't just have this happen for the first time in front of the group so I stopped him." The group than yelled," Woooo!" I chuckled and we kept playing for about a half an hour and stopped because we got bored of it.

I just needed a filler chapter sorry ❤️

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