/7/ Just a Dream

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  Caylus and I drove to his house and the rain made us chuckle as we ran to his house. I took off his sweatshirt and handed it back to him. He looked at me and shoved it back and said," Nope that one is yours, you know I have a bunch of them." I shook my head and shoved it toward him once again. Come on you know you're gonna be frickin chillin' bro.

   I chuckled and kissed him one last time before the night ended. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. What do you want loser?" I asked jokingly. He looked at me and said," stay the night please, you do it all the time." I unhooked his hands from my waist and turned around and looked him in the eye," Listen Caylus I never told you this because I was too scared to tell you but I started college and I really want you to be super supportive on this please. I have homework that I need to get to get to Caylus. I'm sorry." 

   He kissed me hard and once he broke the kiss he said," Hey Y/N I love you so much I'm there for you 100% of the way." He walked inside and than I fell to the ground and then...

  I woke up my heart was racing and I woke up on the Freetime couch. I looked around for Caylus and he was no where to be seen. I smiled and walked into the kitchen and grabbed my cottage cheese from the fridge.

   After I finished eating I looked around the house to see where everyone was. I walked upstairs walking towards Caylus's room. A note was left on his door it said,"   Dear Y/N,
    Everyone went out for a drink with me since I just reached 10 million subscribers, so if you wake up and want to join just call me.

  Love, your bestie Caylus Cunningham.

  I smiled at his little note. I looked in the mirror and my face was all red. My eye was all black and I couldn't remember anything from yesterday, all I can remember is my dream.

  I walked downstairs and found my phone on the counter and I remembered how Tal, Adi, and I were filming a video.


  Hey guys what's up its Adi Fishman and today we are going to be doing the Never Have I Ever drinking version, so basically if you haven't you have to take a shot of Rum Choda or Fireball. Now we are all the age of 21 so we are all legal drinking age (just pretend even tho Adi isn't that age yet).

    Today we are joined by Y/N aka my cousin aka Y/Y/T/C (Your YouTube channel) and Tal Fishman aka Reaction time aka my brother. So yeah let's get onto the video.

  I got to start because ladies get to go first. Never have I ever been in love with a TV character before. They both raised there finger.


  I had 2 shots of Rum Choda, and man the stuff is heavy shit. I was drunk as hell. We stopped the video. Caylus came downstairs and I fell out of the chair trying to get up and Caylus ran to me to make sure I was okay.

  He held me bridal style to the couch and covered me up with a blanket and the last thing I remember was he kissed my head and set a garbage can  by my head.


  I missed Caylus a lot so I called him.

I will continue next chapter I love you all!

YouTubers In Love Caylus Cunningham X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now