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Mahabharat yuddh had ended years back.

"Everything is finished, nothing is left." Krishn thought in his mind.

A flashback was shown

"Krishn, you are responsible for the massacre in my life." Gandhari weeped with tears flowing from her eyes. You told that you will do it for the betterment, but what about me? my life, my fate.
Alas! I am sobbing, nobody can understand my grief, I was once the proud queen of Hastinapur. Today, my condition is worse than a maid. "
Gandhari took support of Sugandha turned to her." Oh my sister! You have been my closest companion since childhood, I never treated you as my maid, I saw a sister and a friend in you, my sole companion, you are, aren't you ? "

" Oh! the honorable queen, your each word is utmost true, you gave me more respect than I deserve. You brought me to your in laws kingdom after your marriage, I feel blessed to serve you. " Sugadha uttered bowing down before her queen.

" I accepted your child born of the seed of my lord. I never questioned you. I am his mother as well as of mine who are around a decade in number. "The grieved queen broke down.
" Queen! My Yuyutsu is blessed to have an elder mother like you. He is your son more than mine. " The generous maid opined
Yuyutsu also respects you a lot and his wife Sujita serves you dearly. " She added.

"I know... I know... I also love them a lot. " The queen smiled through tears.


Krishna entered along with Kunti, Pandavas and their wives.

"Salutations to you badi bua, please give me your blessings. " The lord of Dwarka spoke sweetly.

Oh, lord of universe, you are welcome, what can I give you in return of what you have given. " The voice of the daughter of Subal turned harsh.

"Jiji!..." Kunti looked surprised.

" You got what you wanted. Your sons are alive, your daughters in law are near you. See! What I got? Just look at these pitiful women who were once adored with those sixteen symbols of marriage, are sobbing widows today.
My apple of eyes, Duhshala is also lordless , my sweet Bhanumati,the pride of Duryodhan, god can't have some pity on her, my dear Ananya, the love of Duhshashan what has happened to her? See!
Surabhi... my dear, Vikarn has left you alone in this birth.
My  daughters in law and my only daughter, all are widow, sobbing for the detachment from their courageous husbands. who can understand their pain? " Tell me, oh sister of Vasudev!

" Jiji! I can understand their pain, we all can, I have lost my eldest son Karn, his faultless widow Vrushali entered in his pyre to get his company, I couldn't stop her... my grandsons oh god! all are gone ." The eyes of daughter of Kuntibhoj turned moist.

" Kunti! You lost one son and daughter in law but me? I lost all my sons and only son in law and have to console their sobbing widows, my grandsons as well, no one is alive. I waited for four years of pregnancy only to see this?" The grandmother of Lakshman cried.

" Krishn, you are responsible for my misery, you could have stopped it but... I will not forgive you, I curse you, you will see the destruction of your lineage in front of your eyes. "

Dhritarastra says -" what have you done, Gandhari ? you cursed him for no reason. "

Krishn says -" bade fufa, everything is pre-planned, the war, the curse, nothing happens accidentally. "


Flashback ends.

Krishna recalled his life with his sons, grandsons, wives, brother, sister, sister in law, parents.

A scene rushed in his mind

" Krishn, I don't want to stay anymore, we have been finished? my , Nisath, Ulmuk, Pradyumn, Bhanu, where are they Kanha? where are they? I can't see them. They are not coming to hug me, they are not coming to take my blessings, I remember, their childhood, all them came running to me, how my dear ones, Nishath and Ulmuk used to jump on my chest. They used to have wrestling bouts with me.
I loved to get defeated by all of them and enjoyed when they punched me. I love to be overpowered, my mace fighting skills were forgotten totally, I was lying on the ground proudly looking at them overpowering me. "
Krishn says - dau, we all need you, think of pita, our mothers, what I will say to them, how will I console them? no, I can't. please don't leave us. Revati bhabhi, what is her fault?
Balaram says - kanha, I am sorry, I can't bear this anymore, you respect me, I know so don't stop me, he takes his hands away from his grip.
Krishn touches his feet, your words are command for me. He replies crying his heart out but me also can't live any longer, I will follow you soon.

Balaram went near a tree and sat under it. He controlled all his sorrow and happiness and controlled his senses, there was no sorrow, no grief, only peace, he closed his eyes and went in deep meditation.

days passed...

On one auspicious day, a multi headed serpent came out of his body and went towards the sea and disappeared in no time.

It was the indication of sheshanag leaving his mortal body and departing for vaikunth.

All the devas and devis showered flowers at that divine moment.

Krishn can't think of a life without Balaram as Ram can't think a life without Lakshman.

Krishn is also sitting under a tree in deep meditation when an arrow strikes his feet and blood started coming out. "

The hunter, Jara came running and is shocked.

"Lord, I didn't did it intentionally, I thought it to be a bird or animal, I am sorry, please forgive me. "

Jara, nothing happens accidentally, it was an accident, you say, it was pre decided, in treta yug, you were king Bali, former king of Kishkindha, you did wrong with your brother and his wife so I killed you striking an arrow on your chest as a punishment and given a boon to you before your death that I will die by your arrow in next birth, so it was the fulfillment of the boon, don't feel guilty.

A light came out of his body and moved towards Vaikunth.

The Pandavas came to know about the death of Krishn and Balaram and brought their lifeless bodies to Dwarka.

The honourable wives of them saw the bodies of their lords and fell on the ground in utmost shock.

" Oh lord, why you left me?" Said Revati crying miserably. She affectionately touched the body of her lord and entered in his pyre.

"Lord, how will we live without you ?" Uttered Rukmani, Jambavanti, Bhadra and Lakshmana They touched the body of their lord entered in his pyre.

Other wives including Satyabhama, Kalindi, Mitravrinda, Nagnajiti retired to the forests and from there disappeared to Vaikunth.

Lakshmi and Nagalakshmi joined their husbands.

Vasudev and his wives threw themselves to the blazing pyre willingly and left the world.


images credit to google and uploader.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2021 ⏰

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