Chapter 1- Remembrance

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Song: 'Cosmic Love' by Florence and the Machine

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Song: 'Cosmic Love' by Florence and the Machine

'Legends die hard. They survive as truth rarely does.'

-Ancient Times-

The bright flickering flame illuminates a small part of the dark cave just enough for Aiden to watch what he is doing. He stares at his work intently, determined to make it right to the point of perfection which drives me insane with impatience.The blade in his hands dig into the rocky surface and carves out the moist grey rock that stands in his way. Tiny pieces fall to the ground at his feet just making it one step closer to being finished.

A shiver crawls up my spine and I refrain from a grimace at the noise he makes as the sharp blade scratches rock.

"Hold the flame correctly, sister." Aiden's accented voice sounds over the horrid sound as he doesn't even glance at me. "I cannot stand the way it's quivering. If you ever want this done it must stop"

My ice blue eyes move from the blade to its holder and my lips form a straight line. My face twists into a mean glower of annoyance.

"I am holding it correctly, brother" I defend myself with a hard tone. I glare at him, but he still doesn't look over in my direction "and I don't just want it done. I want it done right" evident annoyance in my tone just from the way he speaks to me. I am not someone to banter about and he knows this from past experiences but yet he still does it. He either likes to set off my short temper or is just too stupid to keep his bloody mouth shut.

Aiden takes a deep breath in and exhales loudly like I'm annoying him as well but doesn't say a word back to me. He continues on like I haven't said a word. He was the one who dragged me from my bed to this place in the middle of the night muttering about he was going to mark this new village our mother wanted us to settle in. He shouldn't be annoyed with me; he doesn't have that right.

My eyes flicker back to his work to see he has accomplished a few more letters of our names. It doesn't look as bad as it can be. I say it's an accomplishment for the man that destroys more than he creates. A smirk tugs on my lips at the thought and if I ever voiced it out loud, I guarantee he would chase me down.

I must not have spoken for too long because he turns his head to finally look at me "What are you smirking at? Do I somehow amuse you?" 

I meet his eyes that look dark from afar but when gaining distance, they look as blue as the ocean that matches perfectly with his blonde halo of hair that is the same shade as mine.

"You amuse me? Oh no dear brother, if anything you annoy me to the end of the earth" my smirk tugs wider into a wide smile.

Aiden pauses his work at the final letter of my name to turn his body to face me. He glares at me but his mouth that turns up into a smile that rivals his seriousness. "Ouch" he covers his heart with the hand that holds the blade "That hurts little sister. But surely you know you are the one person that surpasses me in that department."

I just shake my head "so you say but you do not fool anyone. Tomorrow we shall ask Belladonna and see what she says."

He scoffs "She will pick your side. She always picks your side" he rolls his eyes in distaste, but his smile grows.

Aiden, Belladonna, and I have endured everything together. The accidental death of our youngest brother Samuel. Our father's death a few years later from an ancient witch. It was hard on us all, but we didn't let each other go through it alone.  As to protect us our mother moved to this village across the ocean. After a tiring journey, we finally arrived late in the afternoon yesterday. 

My smile falters slightly as I look upon him "Do you think this village will bring us a fresh start?" I question.

Aiden just shrugs "I believe it's whatever we make it be"

"I'm worried, Aiden" I finally tell him the truth that has been nagging at me since we've settled here, and I let my shoulders sag. "This village is not safe." I start to shake my head "I know you already heard the rumors as well."

Aiden's smile disappears from his face and a look I recognize spreads across his face. It confirms what I already know about him knowing what the full moon brings here. It's nothing good. It's so bad that innocence's die and no one can do anything to stop it. The people in this village hide with fear when the moon is full for some people in this village are not even human with the single form, we all bear. They turn into something entirely.

"I do not know why mother has brought us here when such things lurk in the dark, Calla" He looks down at the ground and then back up at me. I must have a certain expression on my face because he steps up to me and places a hand on my shoulder to calm me from my thoughts. "It will be okay. The beasts will not get us if we hide here, with the others, in the caves when the moon turns full"

It's not even that. I do not fear what lurks in the woods at night. The only thing I have to fear is death itself, but I do not wish to hide like a coward. Defenseless as they cause mayhem through the night and leave parents childless and children orphans. No one deserves such fate. But going against them will cause in death as well.

Knowing my brother will argue with my thoughts I nod to satisfy him. To appease him is a lot simpler than arguing with him. He realizes my stubborn behavior in every conversation we have, and he makes sure I do what I'm told so I do not get in trouble. I don't know why; mother seems to like him best no matter what I do. Aiden is the good son that every mother dreams of.

"Good" seeming like his big brother role has been taken care of for the night, Aiden backs up to continue my name on the cave wall.

For a moment I watch him carve the last A in my name in the Viking script which would complete the 3 names he put up there. First Belladonna then his and then lastly mine. Mine last because he said I was bugging him with my talk about getting sleep.

"Give me the blade" I say after a moment. He glances at me but doesn't stop.

"Mother would maim me if I let you weld a blade" Aiden smart backs to me as if I would care what mother thinks. If I did then I wouldn't have asked or rather demanded.

"If I wish to weld a blade then I shall" anger boils in the pit of my stomach.

"I am done, sister" he says as he retracts the blade from the wall and indeed, I see my name carved in beside his and below Belladonna's. "So, there is no need for you to weld any blade"

"You just don't trust me with it" I accuse, and he doesn't bother to deny it as he just smiles.

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