chapter three: sing for me

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"Now," she said, breaking the silence, "I promised that you'd hear me sing again."

"You did," I said, leading her to a chair next to my Organ, "but first, I'd like to get to know you a bit better."

"Very well," she said sitting down, "what would you like to know?"

I thought for a moment, "you said you had no relatives in Paris, are you an orphan?"

"I'm not an orphan," she replied, "I moved to Paris almost a year ago now."

"Where are you from?" I asked.

"The Orkney Islands of Scotland."

"You don't have an Orcadian accent."

"I think I get that from my Mum."

"At least you have a Mother that loves you," I said avoiding eye contact with her.

"That's just the thing that bothers me," she said.

I looked at her confused. She lowered her head, "I don't think she ever loved me."

I put two fingers under her chin and got her to face me, "what makes you think that?"

She was silent for a moment until she answered, "she would always be negative about the things I did. My school work, my hobbies, things I did in in clubs or groups I went to and my singing. It would be very rare she would give me a positive comment. The rest of the time she'd give me negative comments and tried to get me to compare with her friends' daughters," she was starting to tear up a bit.

"Is that why you moved away?" I asked curiously.

She nodded and started to sob a little, "I came here hoping things would be different but everyone I've met treats me the same."

I grabbed her hands and looked her in the eye, "not everyone. I promise I'll never treat you like everyone else has."

"And in return," she said smiling a little, "neither will I."

I waited for her to calm down before she told me more about herself; hobbies, interests and how she first found out about me which was only four years ago.

Addie's POV:

We talked for what felt like hours but I didn't mind, I could only assume Erik hasn't talked to anyone in years. After we talked, I sang for him which I was happy to do. I sang:

Which Erik sang with me.

Again Erik sang with me

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