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Echoing through the left wing of the Roosevelt theatre were the sound of heels clacking against the ground, making its way to the stage. A young girl with black pants, a dark F/C sleeveless shirt which was covered by a light F/C jeans jacket slowly walked to where she was supposed to be.


Lights blinded those E/C eyes but it adjusted as the girl stood in front of a crowd of high school students on the left side of the stage. In front was a podium with a microphone on the side. With shaky hands, a deep breath was taken before words came out.

"Welcome back to assembly everyone."


"I hope you all had a great weekend. We have a few students presenting projects and clubs for you all to potentially join which will impact your portfolio for university. I trust that you all sign up for at least one of them. Also, on Wednesday, there is a student council board election so there will be an email sent to all of you so you can pick your vote."


The students murmured and looked at each other, perhaps gossiping about the people who will be presenting their projects and clubs and the candidates for the board. However there was another sound that could be heard aside from the murmuring students; rumbles. Some students looked above at the ceiling and a faint crack could be seen. The speaker followed their gazes and upon seeing the crack on the ceiling, the school alarm bell rang.


Suddenly, the ceiling fell. Rubble and pieces of the ceiling fell on students as they ran for their lives towards the exits. Sphere-like ships flew inside from the giant hole and a robotic-like voice spoke through the megaphone.

"Kraang, capture humans for Kraang experiments."

Screams of terror erupted in the theatre as the sphere ships captured students and flew back to a larger sphere ship above, one that had a large pink glowing eye in the middle. Escaping through the exit of the left wing, you, the speaker, ran and stopped behind a corner, feeling the adrenaline rush inside you. Taking in large breaths, you attempted to calm yourself but the screams of your peers prevented you from doing so. Despite all the screams and explosions, you heard your phone ring in your pocket. You took it out and read the caller ID.

Jack Kurtzman.

You answered the phone and spoke to the man. "Jack! What's happening?!"

"It's the Kraang's invasion. They brought the Technodrome with them and are capturing humans to turn them into Kraang creatures." He explained in a soft, almost whisper-like tone. "Where are you?"

"I-I'm still in school, hiding."

"Where's April?" Your heart felt like it had stopped after hearing that question. Everything around you slowed down, your heavy breathing could only be heard.

"I... I don't know." You replied, your voice barely a whisper.

"Shit. The Kraang must have gotten hold of her. The only reason they're here is because they have her, she's the key!" Jack continued, his tone turning more distressed.

"Ah shit."

"Y/N. You have to take cover, it won't take long for them to find you too." He said. "Please, stay safe."

With that, he ended the call. He, too, had to take cover as well. Robotic footsteps approached the corner you were hiding behind and your heart sped up, feeling the adrenaline rush again.

Frostfall (Leonardo X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now