bbh and skeppy are stranded in the basement of IKEA

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So half of the group fell inside the void that IKEA formed. 'Who?' you may ask? Take a guess. Seriously, take a fucking guess. It's not like it's in the title or anything. Yes it was Bad and Skep. Of course it was Bad and Skep, I have skephalo written on my tags I need that skephalo clickbait fanservice episode. It's like that one beach episode on a slice of life anime. I mean, I don't care much about the ship and whatever, but like, i also don't want this shitpost fanfic to be all about those two cuz there are way too many fanfics that include the trio but leave a6d as the third wheel (like, barely giving him any screentime or uh, lines in this case).
Where was I? Oh right, IKEA.

So the floor opened and they both fell in. While they were falling they were able to see their faces for a split second until the floorboards shut tight again, closing off any light that came from the surface and covering everything in deep darkness. It was all up to fate whether they'd survive the fall or not. They didn't. Just joking, they did, but they were knocked out from hitting the floor a bit too hard.

Skeppy was the first one to wake up. He was laying down, just barely opening his eyes. His vision was foggy, and he had a splitting headache. I mean, what did you expect they fell for a solid 10 seconds. That's pretty high, if you think about it. Anyways, once his vision was clearer he was able to look at his surroundings better. The whole room was lit up by a single lightbulb, hanging from the ceiling. The rest of the room was barely visible, but his eyes managed to spot where the walls were a bit; it was quite a small room.

He was kind of confused, to be honest. How were they inside a room if they fell down? Somebody must've dragged them in or something, otherwise it'd make no sense. As he slowly started to regain his senses again, he realized he was on top of something... of someone? He looked down to see he was laying on top of Bad, almost as if someone had tossed them and piled them up like hay on a horse stable. After realizing this, Skeppy quickly got up, flustered and in a gay panic. Soon, the gay panic turned into regular panic, since he didn't know if Bad was still alive or not.

He checked if he was still breathing; he was, thank god. Bad still didn't have a shirt on by the way, so his back was covered in small scratches and nasty little scars. Was it falling to the ground that left these wounds or did he hit something while falling down? Skeppy had no way of knowing. The only thing left to do was to wake Bad up and be on their way.

skeppy: hey bad. hey bad. bad wake up. baaAD. baaAAAAD. baaaAAAAAAAAD.

bbh: uuuugggghhhhh what the fudge happened? what- where are we????

skeppy: ok so the floor opened and we fell and im pretty sure somebody dragged us into this room while we were still unconscious cuz like, there are no holes in the roof or anything and this room is quite small and to be honest i have no idea what is going on anymore

bbh: uh-huh...

skeppy: uh-huh?! that's all you gonma say??? we gotta get out of here dude i don't like basements

bbh: yah just... hold on, my head reALLy hurts and i can barely think,,,

skeppy: oh right i forgot we fell like a 14 meter fall

bbh: haha 14 yeaaah such good and totally not overused meme -_-

skeppy: aw come on i was trying to cheer u up lmao hey we can sit down for a while until you feel a bit better k?

bbh: sounds good,,,,, >_>

They both sat down. Bad looked like he was in really bad shape, the fall must've hit hard for him. Skeppy noticed this, of course; he would usually try to hurry up the situation and get back to the surface as fast as they could, but seeing Bad in this state gave him no choice but to take things slow.

skeppy badboyhalo and a6d go to IKEA Where stories live. Discover now