Chapter 1

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I was laying on my bed in a plan black shirt and black basketball shorts, slowly drifting to Sleep When All of a sudden my phone rang and made me jump out of my bed and on to the floor. While getting off the floor to see who I was going to kill I saw that the call was from Jimin my childhood friend who I could never get mad at; when I answered the phone jimin yelled through the phone which made me pull it away from my ears
"What do u want chim chim"
"Can I sleepover I'm lonely and jin won't let me sleep over at his place nor j-hope" jimin wouldn't stop whining until I said yes, when I said yes i could hear him jumping up and down on his bed excited; when he stopped jumping I could hear rusheling and a door open and close I hung up and In a few minutes he was at my front door knocking like crazy. I walked down stairs and opened the door I saw him smiling from ear to ear.
"Can I come in" he said walking past me into my house and up the stairs into my room where he put his stuff down and belly flopped on my bed which earned a chuckle out of me.
"I like how you know it's a school day and yet you always want to have a sleepover"
"I don't like to sleep by myself" giving me a pouty face, I laugh and gently hit his arm " your lucky my parents let you sleep over" he smiles. After a while of us talking I looked at the time and it was 12:00
"Woah it's late we need to go to bed"
"Awww but I wanted to watch a movie"
"No we need to sleep other wise we will be zombies, so go to sleep"
"Hmpf fine" crossing his arms and giving me a pouty face, I turn the lights off and we go to bed.
I woke up to jimin shaking me
"Y/n you have to get up, go get dressed your mom made us breakfast" jimin was already dressed with his black ripped jeans and striped black and white long sleeve shirt, I got up and walked to my closet grabbed my clothes and went in the bathroom, when I got into the bathroom that is next to my room I took a quick shower and put my black jeans and a plain grey jacket and walked out. Jimin was in my room playing on his phone when I was at the door I said
"Let's go down and eat" he responded with,
"Ok" with that he got off my bed and we walked down stairs where I could smell bacon and eggs which made me start to droul. We sat down and ate the food when I saw the time I yelled
"Ahhh jimin were going to be late!!"
We ran to the door, grabbed our backpacks,
quickly put are shoes on and ran out the door.

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