Chapter 3

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POV y/n

I kept having this weird feeling like someone was looking at me, so I turned around to see if anyone was looking and it was the popular guy staring at me but he turned away quickly as soon as our eyes made contact. Soon after that the bell rang and everyone started to leave while I was putting my drawing book away the popular guy came up to me and said
"Hi" while waving his hand to me
"Who are you" I said with a confused tone.
"Ah yes sorry my names jungkook whats your name"
"My name is y/n"
"Nice name"
"Thanks" I was so confused on why he was talking to me, but while he was telling me about something I saw jimin walk in looking upset.
"Y/n we're going to be late to class come on" as he gently grabs my wrist but jungkook does the same but with more aggression.
"Woah what's wrong with her talking to me ah"
"Nothing I just don't want her to be late" but I could tell he was lying
"Mhm sure pup" jimin seemed to get more upset when he called him that and the air around us to felt unbearable to breathe in with all the tension so I new I had to stop it
"Ok ok let's just go jimin" making jungkook let go of my arm
"Bye jungkook see you later I guess" pushing jimin out of the room
"ok bye y/n see you very soon" with that me and jimin were walking to our next class once we got in me and jimin sat down; I was putting my stuff on the table when jimin started speaking loud
"Jin told you not to go near them y/n"
"I know I wasn't trying to but he sits next to me in class and he talked to me first"
"I don't want you around him you already know I don't like him "
"Jimin I can tell you don't like him I've never seen you that mad before you were acting like a whole different person"
"I know it's just something about them I don't like and he's just a play boy I didn't like that he was talking to you because I knew he was just trying to flirt with you"
"Jimin I know you wanna protect me but I wouldn't let him touch me; u already know what I'm capable of"
Jimin smiled at that; as the teacher walked in jimin's smile turned to a frown and he mumbled something to himself

POV jimin
I smiled at y/n when she said she wouldn't let him touch her but something was bothering me of his sent it smelled familiar but not in the good way, when the teacher walked in I turned to look at him and I realized what he was "jungkook a vampire" I mumbled in shock thinking he might be a vampire but I couldn't just say he was without any proof. " I need to tell the others" I thought. When class ended I grabbed my things
"Y/n I am going to the rest room"
"Ok see you at lunch then"
"Yeah" with that I left the classroom and texted jin and j-hope to come to the cafeteria because it was important, while I was waiting in the cafeteria I saw them walk in
"Jimin what was so important that we had to leave y/n out of it"
"J-hope it's important ok I think the popular guys are vampires" they both let out an obnoxious laugh.
" I seriously ok why else would that they kinda smell like it and they only come once every two weeks and when there here they hit on girls also they are pale"
"Jimin do you just not like them?" jin said wiping his tears of laughter away.
"I'm serious! one of them called me pup he knew what I was and he was hitting on y/n"
"He probably doesn't know he was just saying that cause you were trying to protect y/n" j-hope said trying to reassure Jimin
"Fine I will prove it. Follow me." walking out of the bathroom. Jin said shaking his head,
"Here we go." j-hope and jin were following behind me while I was trying to find them but failing till I smelled the guys sent from earlier I kept following the sent until I ended up in a the janitors closet, behind me there they were; right behind me. I opened the door seeing the guy with who now had red eyes with a girl, he looked at me and had a bit of blood on his lip when I looked back at jin and J-hope they were shocked. With there mouths hanging open they knew that I was right. I quickly shut the door and we ran back to the lunch room .

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