Chapter One

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I guess this is where I say hello. So hello.
Have you ever had a problem that you just want to get rid of? Trust me, I have plenty of those. You name it. Acne, the overweight era, and a bad attitude. But I didn't used to be this way. The bad attitude, I mean.
Last December, my parents had gone to a church service, as they do every Sunday. I usually stayed home, either doing chores or laying around.
But one particular Sunday though, I had decided to go out to the diner for breakfast with my friends. I had my phone ringer off, and my buzz on, but since it was chilly, I had on a thick jacket. Thick enough to not notice the constant buzzing which was my parents. It was 12:00 that Sunday afternoon, and I then had gotten a call from a hospital.
My parents had gotten into a car crash.
After that day, and still now, I had made no attempt to connect with anyone. My friends stopped talking to me two months after, my grandparents had past away, and now I just stay in my house, occasionally going out to run errands, you know, that stuff. I know I'm only seventeen, but my only friend Jeremy Bole checks in every once and a while. I dropped out of high school right after, and I work as a waitress at the public bar. I admit, it's not the best way to make a living, but it's a start, I guess.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2015 ⏰

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