Twenty-Seven: Part II

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~Thursday 1st February 2018~

Harry is too busy working at The Gem to properly celebrate his birthday, but takes time out of his schedule for a phone conversation with his mother. She sings him Happy Birthday out-of-tune and tells him just how proud she is of him, asking when she can next come over to visit him. When he comes back from his office, pushing his phone into his pocket as he approaches the reception desk, Harry notices a familiar face standing in the lobby. He rushes over to Harrison and pulls him in for a friendly hug. The middle-aged man chuckles at his surprise, before pulling away and patting him on the back.
"I'm so happy for you, dude." Harrison exclaims. "Look at all this." He adds, glancing around at the polished floor-boards, the tall ceilings, the beautiful wallpaper. Harry grins up at the tall man, thanking him for his kind words. "Happy Birthday, buddy." Harrison says, patting Harry on the back once more, before they move to Harry's office where they can chat properly.
Harrison still works for Mr Tomlinson, where he is now based in New York City. Harrison is back in Chicago to visit family, whilst Mr Tomlinson is in Norway for a week long business trip. From what Harrison tells him, Harry gathers that business is going extraordinarily well for Tomlinson Vehicle Manufacturers. There's even been some interest from other companies, eager to buy the business for a multi-million figure.
Harry feels no resentment, no more anger or betrayal, upon hearing Mr Tomlinson's name. If anything, he feels happy for the man he once loved, proud even. Harry has let go of all animosity he felt a year ago, finally allowing his mind to be at peace as he enters his 24th year of life.

Just as Harrison is about to leave the hotel, he reaches into the inside pocket of his suit jacket and pulls out a folded piece of paper with smudged handwriting all over it. He passes it over to Harry, with a smile upon his face, watching as Harry takes it and looks up at him, confused.
"Just read it." Harrison instructs, before flashing another smile and walking out of the building without another word. Harry stands alone in the lobby for a moment, absentmindedly folding a corner of the paper back and forth between his fingertips, before deciding to move to his office.
When he sits down at his desk, he unfolds the paper, glancing over the untidy writing scrawled across both sides of the page, before starting to read from the top, taking a deep breathe as he mentally prepares himself for what could possibly be in this letter.


It's embarrassing how many times I have attempted to write this to you. Each time I can't find the right words and I end up throwing the paper in the bin. I guess, I'm just worried that I can't put into words what I really want to say.First of all, Happy Birthday! In some ways this year without you has gone unbelievably quick, but in other ways, your absence has made these last twelve months feel like the longest year of my life. Eleanor and I finally got divorced in April, although I'm not too sure you care about that. It was a stressful time, but we are both so much happier now. I hope you are happy too. I've been keeping tabs on you, keeping up to date with how you are doing. Congratulations on the grand opening of The Gem Hotel. I always knew you would be where you are today. I always believed in you. The Gem looks amazing, and I cannot wait to see all your hard work in person some day. Maybe, some day soon.I've done a lot of soul-searching in our time apart. For a long time, I was so stuck in my day-to-day routine that I was scared for it to change. I didn't know who I was outside of being a husband and a business man, but now I know who I really want to be. Truth is, there's been this strange feeling inside of me, like a magnet, pulling me back towards Chicago. There's no denying that when we were together, I wasn't good to you. In all honesty, I think I was actually quite cruel to you, pushing you away and lying to you. Lying to myself. I'm done with all that bullshit now. No more secrets.I love you. I always have, from the moment you walked into Room 197, with your messy hair and red cheeks. And, I have every intention of coming back to you. I'll do it right this time. No more distractions, no more wife, no more business. Just you.When I sell my company and begin my retirement, I'm coming back to you, and I'm going to make everything right between us, even if it takes me years to win you over, even if you keep pushing me away. I'm going to make up for all my mistakes and I'm going to make up for lost time. I'm going to try my hardest to fix everything I broke in you. I want to be better for you and I want to make you my first priority. I'll come back to you and I'll make all these promises in person. I am so determined to give you everything that you deserve, each and every day.I'll see you soon, my love. I'll be counting down the days.Your Louis.

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