October 29th

31 2 1

I took Connor into the room and chained him to a wall. He wanted to help, but I wanted him to watch first. As Jake slept a got my drill ready and put gloves on, I drilled a small hole in his head. This caused him to wake up, I poured hydrochloric acid in. He entered a zombified state and I could see why Jeffery Dahmer did this. I carefully cut down his stomach and took out some of his organs putting them on ice. I am going to sell them. I Jake had died by the time I handed Connor a knife and told him to chop off a finger. He chopped one off and I picked it up with my gloved hands. I put it in a small zip lock bag and put it on ice as well, I'm going to send it to the police to toy with them. I told Connor to do as he pleased with the body and I'd watch. He mutilated it and made a mess. I took the knife back and took Connor to the bathroom to clean him up. I brought a black light and hydrogen peroxide to make sure he was fully clean, I'd have to do the same to anywhere evidence could be.

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