Z00ZY (fluff)

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pls read A/N at the end (you don't have to but yeah)
I'm a fan of Z00ZY for a long time. But I never met him in person. But today I will. I bought a ticket to The YUKC0 Show, and I heard he would be bringing all of his other friends, especially Z00ZY. EEEEE I'm so excited! I had all the stuff I need and just went ZOOOOM to YUKC0 show.
Hours later, I finally went to my seat. I bought VIP which holy fucc, literally was around 1500 roux. The show was going to start in 10 minutes. So I stopped playing with my phone and saw YUKC0 himself. P
After 10 minutes, the YUKC0 show started, it was just YUKC0 asking questions to other myths, then letting the VIP row ask questions also. Finally, Z00ZY appeared up front of the stage. I eyes were full of excitement, I squealed in joy smiling. When I squealed, he noticed me and smiled at me. AAAH I feel like passing out.
YUKC0 kept asking questions and I listened every one of them.
He VIP row finally got to ask questions. I waited and waited until it was my turn.
"Now Y/N, any questions?"
"Ok, what's your question?"
"D-do you have a crush on someone!?"
I yelled out loud for accident and the crowd started making 'ooo's'
Z00ZY looked at me by surprise and had a visible pink blush around his cheek.
"Ask another question girly."
I blushed an embarrassment and declined asking anymore questions. The rest of the show was great! I got to ask questions to other myths and got a picture! And then yea.
I officially worked at the circus because I got fired lmao also I'm poor lololol. Anyways, I worked as a cook! Because I love cooking.
I was walking around about to leave until I saw Z00ZY crying. I got worried because we got really close and we would always protect each other. Once I went closer to him, I also saw G0Z trying to hold down YUKC0. YUKC0, was so drunk that he threw a broken beer bottle with VERY sharp ends at Z00ZY, he got him on the thigh. Z00ZY tried pulling it of but it made more pain to him.
   I ran up to him, full with worry. I then hold both of his hands.
"Z00ZY! Ok, don't touch the bottle, I will carry you to a nurse.
He nodded his head, he looked like a baby. I carried him and he was very light!
I ran as fast as I could, Z00ZY fell asleep somehow, I talked to the nurse what happened, I then placed Z00ZY to bed.
"Bye Z00ZY, I hope you feel better.
My lips then met his forehead, he smiled after. That was the last time I ever saw Z00ZY before he got surgery.
Days passed, I got bored without Z00ZY I miss him. YUKC0 had to stay in his room for a week without drinking. G0Z had to close the circus because of Z00ZY and YUKC0 not working. I kept worrying for Z00ZY, I my closest friend.
G0Z saw my expression and tried to tell me to calm down.
"Y/N, Z00ZY is going to be fine."
"That's what you always say.."
"N-no really! I checked on him minutes ago."
"Really? How was he!?"
"He leg looked all healed, his heartbeat was fine, and he is just sleeping."
"I'm glad he sounds fine, but would I be able to visit him?"
G0Z pauses at my response, he then just shrugged. I sighed and just went home and decided to stay in my house since I won't be working for a week.
   I week passed and I feel ready to go back to the circus! Even though I feel a little nervous. I was towards the circus and the first person was... SN00TZ!
"Hello SN00TZ!"
"Oh hi Y/N! What brings you here?"
"Well, have you ever seen Z00ZY ?"
"Sorry but no..."
"Ok then, thanks anyways!"
"You're welcome!"
I ran away finding Z00ZY because I heard that he got released from the hospital. I ran so fast that I lost control running so I knew I was about to slip. I closed my eyes for pain to come, but I didn't feel anything. I just felt two pairs of arms around me. I opened my eyes but I then smelled the sent of alcohol...
I got off of YUKC0 and he was holding a grumpy face.
"Gosh woman. Do you not know how to run?"
"Sorry. Anyway do you know where Z00ZY is?"
"Pshh. How the hell would I know? G0Z is the only one who knows where Z00ZY is somehow."
"Ok then, thanks anyways!"
I then ran, finding G0Z.
   After minutes, I finally found him. He was talking with Morgene.
"Sorry for disturbing your conversation but have you two ever seen Z00ZY?"
"Ah Z00ZY! No I haven't. Sorry!
"No I haven't seen Z00ZY."
I thought YUKC0 said was true..
"..thank you anyways."
I ran away finding other myths around the circus asking where Z00ZY was.
   They all didn't know where Z00ZY was. So I just gave up and walked out of the circus. I found my car then my car keys and was about to unlock my car until I saw.. Z00- a raccoon. Once I spotted it, the raccoon ran away. I turned and saw Z00ZY!
I yelped in surprise to see Z00ZY at this time.
"Z-Z00ZY! You scared me!"
"Hehe sorry. G0Z and the others told me you were looking for me to tell me something."
I completely forgot that.
"Oh yeah hahah. How is your leg?"
"It feels normal now!"
I hugged him very tightly after hearing that.
"Z00ZY, I was worried for you ever since your leg was hurt. So worried that I ate less.
I was still hugging him but then let go. He had a surprised face. The same face he had at the show.
"W-wah...? did you really miss me that much?"
"Of course I did! You are one of my closest friend I ever had! And I love you-"
I covered my mouth with both of my hands. I saw Z00ZY with a surprised face again
"Hah.. what a coincidence."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that I like you too!"
He then attacked me with his hug, rubbing his cheek rubbing mine, ruining his makeup a little. This made me happy so I hugged back.
"I-I really don't know what to say.."
"Me neither, how about a sleepover?"
So we walked together to Z00ZY's house, having a great conversation, and telling funny jokes.
1204 words
Sorry I've been gone for a while, next chapter will be the last chapter. Why? Because I really want to focus more on school, I want to at least get mostly A's and B's but I never thought it would be really hard to earn them.I'm really tired and my arms, legs are cramping. You guys can't request for now because someone else already did. But what you guys can do is to ask me questions :D. Anyways, see you again at June 10.

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