A Story Never to be Told

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Category: Short Story

Character: Seafoam

Fandom: Wings of Fire

"Why do you bother Sea?" One dragon asked as I waited at the entrance of the village. I didn't remember her name, but that wasn't what was important. Crono said she'd be back soon, where is she? "She's not coming back. And why even bother waiting for her? Did you listen to the scouts' reports?"

I did, but I don't believe Crono would do that on purpose. "She's a monster." No, she isn't! It's not her fault! She was moon born from a cursed blood egg!

"She'll be back," I said instead, my claws aching to slap the female near me. "She promised." I heard a sigh and inwardly growled. Until I saw something red in the distance. Draco!

Dark red scales and large copper wings come closer as I waited for my second best friend to arrive closer. Landing a large Skywing with a mangled and scarred back left leg and scratched chest landed in front of me. The blue grey-eyed male gave me a Cheshire grin and I gave a smile in return.

"Did you find her?" I asked anxiously as my older friend looked down at me. He shook his head softly as my green wings drooped. "Alright."

"You want to go see what's in her archive don't you?" Draco, the main scout, and my oldest friend asked his voice slowly starting to break and deepen the closer he got to be 6. I nodded my head and he sighed got gave a reassuring smile, he was a good friend. "Then let's go before anyone tries to burn it."

It was a long flight to her cave, but we made it. I looked through the scrolls and found some that were children tales and stories, some about hard topics and documentaries, but one caught my eye. A neatly rolled up, and the hidden old scroll is hidden far out of reach. I used my tail to grab it and gently unrolled it.

Moon born and cursed,

Stone claws and freezing breath,

Winning tides and changing rain,

Dark and Light fight for time,

But only one shall stop the fall, of the hidden land,

Sky, Sea, and Earth shall fall so that time may learn the war is never done,

Broken promises and secrets to keep,

But will these talons ever find peace,

I froze at this, questioning where this was from. The elders said never to go into Crono's archive, but not even she knew why. I guess we learned why the elders refuse to let anyone come here. I mused to myself. But who is 'Sky', 'Sea' and 'Earth'?

I rolled up the scroll and put it back on the shelf. I guess that's just another thing I'll have to ask either Crono or the elders. Though she's not going to like that I touched her stuff without her permission. A slight chill went down my spine at the thought of that.

"Draco! We should head back!" I shouted knowing he heard me since he didn't dare come into Crono's archive. I got a quick 'Roger that!' I rolled my eyes at that. We ended up parting ways as I headed home. Mom and Dad never exactly liked me befriending Crono, but they majorly approved of Draco and Salazar since they're from the tracker and guard families.

I sighed a 'hello' to them and flew up to my room. I didn't like waiting, but for Crono, I'd wait forever.

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