Chapter 2: Why me?

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**A/N Just a reminder that I will be writing in Point of view format until we get out of high school with our OC A/N**

Continuing from last chapter

It was a little awkward for me being out there on the football field because i felt so out of place, sure it was cool to be with my closest friends, but they all have scholarship offers to go play in the united states, and I was just some kid from the town that happened to enjoy working out. I didn't know any plays or what anything meant I just stood there and looked like an idiot, all I did at my first practice was run suicides and stretch and no one said a word to me the rest of the practice, I'm not sure if this whole "football" thing is for me.

The next day came and it was lunchtime, our school gives us almost a full hour for lunch and Bailey, Sam, and Troy all went out for lunch but they didn't invite me, I was fine with it though, I knew my place and I understood that I Couldn't be seen in public with them because I didn't fit the standard, or I wasn't cool enough to be with them, so I did the only thing I know what to do when I'm bored or I feel down and that's go to the gym.

I decided to workout legs even though I was already really fast I wanted to get quicker and seeing progress makes me happy, not too many things can accomplish that ever since I started high school. In our gym when you put the plates away you have to carry them onto a pedestal and I dropped one and crouched down behind the already stacked high plates and heard people come in and start talking, next thing I know they were talking about me and saying how the coach just told me to come out so I could feel included because he knows how much of a loser I am and then I heard another voice besides the group of boys, it was Coach Jordan, he overheard what they were saying and was pissed. He told them that he asked me to come out because I looked like a hard worker and I have the body to be a great football player not just to have everyone shit on me and no one even ask me who I am at practice.

This really shocked me, Coach Jordan who is a gym and careers and finance teacher at our school was standing up to people that were making fun of me "behind my back". I was so shocked because this has never happened before, whenever someone would see the popular kids walk up to me in the lunch line they would force me to buy them the slice of pizza instead of me getting it for myself leaving me just enough money to live off of an apple and granola bar because that's all I could afford after buying the group of guys food. I was lucky to be apple to afford the apple and granola bar. Another thing that really shocked me was how my "friends" spoke about me behind my back but I then knew that Coach Jordan had my back and whenever I needed someone's help then I could rely on him.

After witnessing everything that just went down I was still trying to process how the people I trusted the most and so quickly really thought that about me and treated me like shit behind my back. I didn't know what to do I couldn't just sit in the corner of the gym and cry because there would be class coming in for 3rd period soon, so instead I extended my workout and began working on my cardio, I figured if I skipped class then I wouldn't have to see any of my former friends and they couldn't call home that I skipped because my grandparents didn't have a phone and my dads phone is through the army so they wouldn't be able to reach him, and to be honest, no one knows where my mom is or what she is doing or what she has done to other men. Maybe I have a stepbrother or sister somewhere in the world that I will never get to meet? I snapped out of that train of thought and I put my earbuds in and continued to listen to Metalingus by Alter Bridge, I was into the classic and modern rock as well as some harder rock like Metallica and Alter Bridge.

**A/N Yes I know this is edges theme, one of the best of all time don't @ me A/N**

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