Chapter 17: Game

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Almost directly following last chapter

Jackson went and got all cleaned and showered up as he changed into his outfit for school and grabbed his school bag and went to the buffet in the lobby to go get some more food before school.

Jackson had run into Theo and they decided that they were both going to have breakfast together, mind you, their breakfast consisted of chocolate milkshakes, pizza, and between the two of them they were able to split a whole bag of chips.

No on ever said football players were healthy eaters...

The duo took they leisurely time as class didn't start for another half an hour so they threw the ball around the lobby and then went back to the locker room to brush their teeth and clean up their hair because they have to look good to play good.

Jackson was on his way to his most hated class ever, english class. It doesn't help that Jackson's english teacher hates his literal guts.

Jackson was one of those guys who didn't really have an opinion on controversial and important topics around the world, not because he didn't care, but because he never took the time to look up any articles or read about it.

Jackson was on his way into class when of course his english teacher stopped him and asked him where he's been. Jackson stayed silent. The teacher then sent him down to the office because if he didn't wanna talk then he could enjoy not talking to the principal.

Jackson then went down to the principals office and sat there waiting.

Principal: Jackson King, Jackson, Jackson... what brings you here today son?

Jackson: Well if you want the honest and nothing but truth, then my english teacher didn't even let me enter the class em without interrogating me on my absence.

Principal: Well Jackson, why were you absent?

Jackson: Well you know obviously about me being on my own.... I was in a bad spot and just working out and sleeping helped a lot.

Principal :Why did you not call the school?

Jackson: Because you guys wouldn't believe me and i have more important things to do then try to tell people that don't believe me about what's going on.

Principal: Jackson, son, you know that you have the whole Holy Names staff and student body supporting you, right?

Jackson: Bullshit! They're are only three people in this god damn shawshank prison remake that actually care about me and my mental health!

Principal: What did you ju-

Jackson: I wasn't finished. You admit it right now, you don't like me. You never have liked me since I came into this place and you never will. You don't like me because like Theo, TJ, Coach Green, you see something in us, potential...

Principal: Three weeks of deten-

Jackson: Another reason why I know you don't like me? Is because ever since i found my voice this year I have had the balls to say whatever everyone else wants to say and is afraid of saying. This school paints a fake positive five star picture perfect example of a school but on the inside.... it's a damn prison!

Jackson: Uniforms up until this year? No hats? Unequal rules for women and men for dress code? You pulled an innocent grade 9 kid aside and made him cry because he was wearing a star wars shirt signed by luke skywalker.... and that's only the beginning into what i know, and once i'm gone... i'll burn you and this prison to the ground.

Jackson: And if you don't want that... i suggest you lift the detention... and then i'll consider it.

With that Jackson left and decided that he was gonna go and just chill in the field house for the next hour and a half since he won't be going to english he was just chilling on the couch almost asleep when someone came and sat beside him and started rubbing his back.

Rylee: Hey Jack wake up cutie.

Rylee's soft whispers were enough to wake a dozing off Jackson, Jackson finally lifted his head to see what was going on.

Jackson: Oh uh hey Ry, don't cheerleaders have to go to every class?

Ry: Well since i'm a retuned senior i only have to have three classes which i purposefully did so i can spend time here with you.

As she went to straddle Jackson, he blocked her from doing so.

Rylee: First you pull your arm away from me in the cardio room and now this? What's wrong with you Jackson you are best friends with my brother.

Jackson: Exactly which is exactly why i'm not going to do anything with you, also, I have a uh, a g-g-girlfriend.

Rylee: Haha that short little tiny pathetic fake blonde? Yeah some girlfriend she is to you leaving you to go to a random place and you'll never meet her again. Oh yeah where was I?

She lunged in and punched Jackson so hard in the head that he was knocked out and she began making out with an unconscious Jackson, then she started doing other things that aren't going to be named, but Jackson was extremely scared and confused when he woke up and found a pool of wet and sticky ness around where he was sitting, Jackson immediately texted Lexi seeing if she was in town and then sent a text to Rylee about what he experienced.

Little does Jackson actually know, Rylee knows very well what all happened

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