Chapter Two: Darkness Gives The Gift

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3rd Omniscient POV
Bane is carrying the dust shipments into a crate, he checks one rare dust canister, before putting it back.

Henchman: Where should we put the crate?

Bane: Just put it underground, then replace it with another crate. Put that large cart of dust here...

The Henchman pushes the crate in the middle.

Henchman: Why here?

Bane: Don't question me.

The door opens, they look to see Cinder and the others; Bane approaches them. Emerald has feelings for him, while Neo doesn't like him for his excess muscles; Cinder likes him for his intelligence.

Cinder: How's the dust transportation?

Bane: The dust is being transported.

Cinder: Good, little word of warning: those little teenagers will be coming. I want you to take those dust to our hideout-

Bane: Forget it, I want to fight them! Either they die, or your dust will be gone!

Cinder: If that is what you want, then go ahead. I won't stop you.

Bane: There is much work to be done.

Cinder: Agreed, well. I better go and let you handle those teenagers. (They won't stand a chance.)

She and the others leave, Bane turns around and wait for them.

Ozpin sends Team RWBY to the location where the dust has been stolen. For months, they haven't been able to capture them, but now they think they got them.

Team RWBY slowly approach the warehouse, they saw nobody was guarding the outside. Then, Team RWBY crashes in, Bane looks at them and turn away.

Y/n: I was wondering when you come.

Ruby: Why do you have all of this dust!?

Y/n: It is time for no questions, young one.

Y/n climbs down on the chain with ease, then jumps a few feet away from them. He slowly walk towards them, before stopping in front.

Y/n: You know nothing of strength...

Yang: Strength? Heh, wanna test my "strength"?

Y/n: You won't get any mercy out of me!

He tried to punch Ruby, but she quickly dodged as he punches the wall and making cracks everytime he punches the wall. Yang punches him in the jaw, but he didn't react to any pain, he punches her in the stomach. Sending her to her knees, as he grabs her hair and slam his knee against her face, then picking her up and slamming her against the wall. She yells out in pain, Blake cuts one of his cords, Venom spills out as he groans. He slam his harden fist against Blake, sending her off a few feet away.

He jumps up and slams his knee against Blake's stomach, making her vomit as when she finishes. He grabs her, Ruby tried to stab him, but he grabs it and breaks it, but he caught Weiss's glyph. He punches it, it froze his hand; Ruby uses her semblance to go behind him, but he uses his frozen hand to break free by punching her side of the face. He kicks Ruby as he grabs Blake's arms and breaks it into three. She yells in pain, as Yang gets up as she limps towards him as her eyes become red and her hair starts to flame up, he drops Blake.

Y/n: Ah, yes! I was wondering what would break first...

Yang use her semblance, she punches him in the gut several times as Y/n caught her hands and was about to break it, but Ruby slams the blunt side of her weapon against his head. He lets go as he kicks Ruby, Yang was about to punch him, but he caught it then punch her side, making her fall down to her knees and hands. Then, she uppercuts him only for his head to not move.

Y/n: Your prideful spirit...

He lifts her up by her hair and clothes.

Y/n: Or your body!


Yang drops to the ground, gasping for air. Weiss froze Y/n's leg, Ruby tried to stab his face, but he caught her broken weapon as he pulls her in and slams her head against the ice. Freeing him. He slowly made his way to Weiss, she gets into stance as she slowly breathes in and close her eyes, before striking. She hit something, she opened her eyes to see the blade between his hands.

He slam his head against Weiss's, she staggers as Y/n grabs her neck and stomach, which then lifts her up, and slam her down on the ground. She groan as her head slowly rises and falls back down. Then, he punches her head several times, before slowly looking around to see them defeated.

Y/n: That was anti-climatic.

He kneel down, grabbing their weapons and breaking it, the canisters of dust slide down to Y/n's palm, before throwing their weapons on the ground. He gets up, before turning to his henchman.

Y/n: Take them outside and leave them there.

We woke up, we saw us in cast. Blake's arms was casted up, Yang's back, Ruby's face and neck, and Weiss's neck.

Blake: Oww....

Yang: My back hurts! I can't move!

Ruby: Mmmpf mmph nnth. Mmpth kmyph mmnmnnpth

Weiss: I got a headache.

They turn their head to Weiss, except for Yang, who has to turn her eyes.

Weiss: What? My brain feels like it has been shifted inside of my head.

Ozpin came to the room, along with Taiyang. Taiyang immediately rushes to Ruby then Yang.

Taiyang: I'm glad you're alive!

Blake: What happened?

Ozpin: Somebody found your unconscious bodies, then contact the police, from there they contact me. I send Ms. Goodwitch to pick you up. Who attacked you?

Blake: It was some guy... he had a mask and he was big, physically.

Ozpin puts his hand on his chin, thinking.

Ozpin: He could be Bane...

Yang: Bane?

Ozpin: Looks very muscular, have green substance name "Venom" that gives him super strength.

Yang: We need more info on this guy, he is the guy who beat us up.

Ozpin has a worried look.

Ozpin: His name is Bane, he came out of nowhere one day... then, students was sent to the hospital. Some can't walk, fight, see, or even talk again.

Yang: Bane... he's a bane of my existence!

Everyone: *groan*

Yang: What? Did I-... Oh, heh. Not sorry.

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