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Where am I? There was a strong chemical smell in the air, irritating my nose. My eyes flitted about the white room. I saw a machine that had a line on a screen going up and down steadily. There was a long pole next to me with a bag hanging from it and a cord coming from the bag and attaching itself to my arm. What is this? I moved my arm and the bag moved with it.

I sighed, frustrated. This is ridiculous, I want this thing off me. I saw a plastic thing sitting on a shelf next to my bed. Remote, my brain said. There was a red button on top with blue buttons below. I pressed the red button to see what would happen. Then a voice came out.

"Honey?" Then a light flashed. A voice echoed through the halls.

"Doctor Wells to room 317." What the-? A random man in white and blue looked at me in awe as he stepped into the room. Is there something on my face? Why is he looking at me like that?

"Honey, do you know where you are?" the man asked me as he stepped forward. I scooted back against my mattress. Who does this creep think he is, gettin' all up close to me like this? 

"Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm a doctor. I'm here to help you." I don't need your help. I'm not a child. I felt like I was looking at him like he was a creeper even though he said he was there to help me.

"I'm going to ask you a few questions alright, honey?" As long as this guy kept his distance, I guess a few questions couldn't hurt. 

"Do you know where you are?" the creeper asked me. I looked around. White walls, an extra bed with white sheets, white everything. It was nauseating. This place needs some color. I turned back to the creeper and shook my head, signaling that I had no idea where I was.

"Do you know your name?" Of course I knew my- what was my name? I then became frustrated. What's my name? I shook my head, my eyes filling with water because of my frustration.

"Do you know how old you are?" These questions are becoming tedious. I showed my annoyance by lying back on my pillow and closing my eyes.

"I'll take that as a no. Just one last question and then we'll figure out what to do next: Can you speak?" That seemed to be the most ludicrous question he had asked since he got here. What an idiot, I absolutely could talk. I opened my mouth to show him I could but no words came out. No sound. Not anything. I clapped my hands over my mouth. What? No, no, no! My eyes finally burst forth with water that I couldn't stop. I don't know who I am, and I can't ask questions. I don't remember.

"Shhhh," the creepy man said getting up from his stool he had sat down in trying to touch my shoulder but I jerked away.

"Ahhhh!" I shouted at him. That was all I could muster out of myself. He looked taken aback for a moment, but then smiled, apparently pleased.

"This is wonderful. You being able to make sounds like this means that you may be able to learn to speak again." May be. I may be able to learn to speak again. But may be seems like a long way away.

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