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Around the hospital, apparently called St. Joseph's, these people are very nice to me. If I met someone who couldn't remember who she was, I'd be nice too I guess. They pity me. I don't pity me. Anyway, they've given me a name. Or it's sort of a name, everyone has been calling me this since the moment I woke up and since I don't know my name, I guess this is fine. My name is Honey. Just Honey. 

I don't really mind at all. A nurse by the name of Gini came in yesterday and brought me honey to see if I actually cared for the substance. I didn't. Irony in the works. The food here is good though. I learned that after I discovered that the food they wanted me to eat wasn't designed to do me any harm.

Apparently, I had been asleep for a very long time. A year, I was told. After I found that the man I met my first day back in the real world wasn't a creeper, I began to trust him a bit. It's been about a week since I woke up. When Dr. Wells told me he was going to bring in someone to help me talk again, I almost jumped out of my bed. I'm to meet them tomorrow. Because of this, I can't sleep. Hell, I've been sleeping for a year which is approximately 365 days. You can't tell me something as exciting as that and just expect me to not be excited. I get to talk again! Hooray! But then again how is this person supposed to help me talk again? Is it some magic voodoo potion? (The nurses gave me a book to read that involves magic. They were ecstatic to find out that I can read.) To be honest, so was I. Being able to read allows me to make some form of communication. 

Layla, one of the ladies that comes in at night to chech my vital signs, called for lights out. She took my book from me and put it on a shelf on the other side of the room so I couldn't get to it. I didn't like Layla that much. She was a grey haired woman, every curl tucked into place. She always wore brightly colored clothes that makes it look like a rainbow threw up on her. After a while sleep finally claimed me.


The next morning, after my food came and went, Dr. Wells stepped into my room as I was reading the new book Gini brought to me. I casually waved at him. But after a moment I noticed that there was a woman behind him. She was a stout, brown haired blue eyed lady who I had never seen before. I automatically took my defensive position that I usually took when someone new walked into my life. This position was me curling my legs up to my side and tensing as if I was to fight this new person. 

"Good morning Honey. My name is Clara Jones. I'm going to help you talk." I perked up immediately, smiling at the new lady. I waved at her, and then again at the smiling Dr. Wells.

"She's going to teach you a form of speech most mute people learn," I felt my eyebrows scrunch together when he said the word 'mute'. I'm not mute you asshole. I just can't speak at the moment. If I could get out of this bed, oh if I could get out of this bed. 

"Sorry, for people who can't talk. She will also be your speech therapist. Honey, she will teach you how to speak again." Clara sat down beside me in the chair that Dr. Wells usually sat in when he talked to me about things. He asked me questions throughout the course of the day, sometimes about my family, or my memories, maybe my name. 

"Honey, I want you to watch my hands. Because you can hear me, you won't have to read my lips." She made weird movements with her hands but she faced me the entire time watching me watch her.

"I'll say it out loud this time but also with my hands. Hello, Honey. My name is Clara." As she spoke the words slowly she made motions with her hands. "This is called ASL. It's American Sign Language. Dr. Wells has asked me to teach it to as you also learn to speak because it will be easier for you to communicate this way. There may be things you may not be able to say yet but you can communicate them through ASL. That's what I'm hoping for. Are you willing to try, Honey?" I looked to Dr. Wells for help, but he only nodded at me, encouraging the situation. I looked back at Clara and I nodded. This is the first step I guess. I have to do this if I want to learn how to talk to people properly. To be able to express my feelings completely, I have to learn this. At least that was what I was trying to convince myself.

"Wonderful. I guess I'll teach you the alphabet first. Then we'll start on words." I sighed when she said that and leaned back onto my pillow. Well this is going to take forever.


AN: Alrighty then peoples, just a heads up, all conversations when Honey talks will be in ASL. When you see Honey talking, don't be weirded out. If she talks it will look like this "Words words words." All ASL conversations will look like that. If a person is actually speaking it will look like normal and not be in italics.

Oh by the way, that's Honey and what she's wearing in the next chaper. Just sayin.

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