The Bloody Boy

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  • Dedicated to To my three followers. Thank you :)

Learning the language might have possibly been the hardest thing I've ever done before. But then again, how the hell would I know I was enjoying one hell of a power nap for over a year. I was still living in the hospital because I didn't have anywhere else to go. I was unclaimed in this world. I still couldn't remember who I am or who they were, how I got here or what happened to me. My own name still escaped me, but I answer to Honey now, as if it was my name. I have so many questions that each day continue to go unanswered. Who my parents were, if I had a brother or a sister, if I was an only child. But the biggest question I might have had was Where were they? That was the question that had kept me awake for hours over the past two months. 

I had made friends here now. The nurses and I (except for Layla) got along swimmingly and they often tell me about their families, and while I don't respond with ASL, I was given a markerboard so I could communicate with them. I no longer needed to be strapped into an IV, but I still had apparent trust issues. I had gotten clothes from Gini last month. Things like comfortable blue jeans and an assortment of shirts. I walked about the hospital now, learned a lot of medical terminology. 

For some reason, I liked to venture to the recovery rooms. I guess its because I think that maybe, one day, they will be there. Maybe they would recognize me. I wasn't anything special to look at, with long brown hair and brown eyes. I was of average height, around 5'6'', and skinny (as were most people who had been comatose for a long while.) I wanted to cut that stupid hair of mine, just because I didn't ever feel like brushing, but Gini insisted that I keep it. 

I was walking around in the recovery ward when I saw someone being rushed out of the room on a gurney. He was coughing hysterically and blood was going from his mouth to his white sheets. He was all red really. His hair was fiery red and there was red on his hand as he tried to cover his mouth to stop the bleeding. But there was red everywhere as he rolled away to get to an operating room. I looked at the name on the door he had come out of. His name was Aiden Jones. I hoped he would be okay.


"Hello Clara. How has your day been?"  I signed as Clara came in to do our Wednesday session. Clara spoke as she signed the word Fine. I wondered what was wrong and asked her about it.

"My son. He was in an accident a few days ago. He was supposed to be fine but then he went into intensive care this afternoon. I was glad she said it all out loud as well because sometimes it's still hard to translate ASL in my head.

 "Would you like to go see him? I'll go with you."  Clara looked at me kindly and nodded. I got up, wearing my blue, long sleeved shirt and blue jeans and smiled at Clara. I looped arms with my teacher and we made our way to the ICU. It was one wing in the hospital that I was never allowed into. I didn't go to the ER because I would be in the way of important things happening. To get into the ICU, you had to be family, or have permission from the family to go in. 

"Hello, Sarah. I'm here to see my son." 

"And your guest?"

"This is Honey. She is allowed to come here as long as Aiden is here. He might need company."

"Yes ma'am," said the nurse as she wrote my name down in her clipboard. She buzzed us in and we were off to see Clara's son, Aiden. Wait, Aiden? As in the Aiden I saw this morning? That Aiden?

We were led to a small area seperated from the rest of the world by just curtains to shield one person from the next. Lying on the bed was the bloody boy. He was hooked up to machines and tubes. He didn't look how I would think a person who was in the ICU would look. He didn't look like he was in pain and he wasn't sleeping like most other patients. He was alive and awake and the most I saw in his pale green eyes was nothing but pure annoyance. I didn't see that coming. He was completely different from the boy I saw coughing up blood earlier. I looked at Clara.

"I saw him earlier. He looks better." I deliberately left out the part about him coughing up blood. For one, because I didn't know the sign for blood. Two, I didn't want to worry Clara.

"Oh Mom, you didn't bring one of your deafies to come see me did you?" Aiden asked, annoyance seeping through his voice. I was astonished. 

"Aiden!" his mother exclaimed.

"I. AM. NOT. DEAF." I put it out there slowly so his small peabrain would understand that I knew exactly what he said. I put in extra emphasis to show how pissed I was.

"Oh. Then Mom, why did you bring a mutie to come see me?"

"I. AM. NOT. MUTE. I can't speak."

"Isn't that the working definition of a mute?"

"Stop it. This isn't good for your health," she scolded Aiden, even though I could hear the overtone of worry in her voice. While Clara's back was turned I took my shot.

"Yeah Aiden. Stop it."  I created his ASL name on my own. Arrogant with an A. I had been studying up ASL on my own, learning insulting words so I could really express myself. Clara would be disappointed that I was using ASL like this but what the hell.

"Mom, Mutie is being mean to me." Clara looked at me, and I pretended to be an innocent bystander. She looked back at Aiden and I took the chance to stick my tongue out at him. I felt like a child, but hey, that's what he gets for being a jerk.

"Stop calling her Mutie. Her name is Honey."

"Oh, attitude with an H." Clara had been calling me the noun form of honey, like honeybee. But he just made me an ASL name and even signed it out for me so I knew what he said. I rolled my eyes.

"Really? That the best you can do?" 

"Fine, we'll go back to Mutie then." I rolled my eyes again.

"Jerk."  Aiden gave me a crooked little smirk. I saw him cough a little and the image of him coughing so violently and trying to keep the blood from seeping out of his mouth invaded my mind. I felt myself tense with concern. I saw him smile at it for a mere second, but then that was over. He averted his attention away from me and onto his mother.

"How are you Mum?"

"Better than you, I wager."

"Have you gotten a wink of sleep since the accident?"

"I have." I tuned out of the conversation until I heard Aiden cough a bit more. He looked over at me when he saw me move.

"Don't push yourself to talk too much."  His mouth opened a bit before he closed it again. I tapped Clara's shoulder and told her I was leaving. Aiden didn't want to show it, but even I could see he was getting tired from all of the talking and the signing. I didn't want to it show even though he happened to see it, but I was worried about the bloody boy.



Hello reader. I know my chapters are short, and I'm not really sure what is going to happen. I really just make it up as I go along. 

So, what do you think of Aiden. I know you might want me to find a part in the cast for him but for some reason, I cannot find a hot redhead. I'm actually looking for one I didn't just wake up one morning with a craving :) If you have any suggestions as to who should play my dearest Aiden, please message me. Thank you for reading this much :)

Holy crap I should totally make this a cross over for Normal Shoes! That would be so hilarious. 

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