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(If you were wondering what a Greek accent would be like there is one to reference for a voice^)

*Zosime's POV*

"So what is it like Greece?" Melo asked as I put my clothes into the closet.
"It's a lot calmer there," I laughed a bit, "Lot less cars and noise."
"I figured," he chuckled a little bit.
"But the scenery is kind of the same. Beaches and nice weather," I smiled.
"Do you live on a beach?" he asked.
"Yeah I do," I nodded, "We are kind of ummm plousios...."
"Rich?" he asked. I snapped my finger and nodded. "Rich. We have money but like not this kind of money," I looked around the room.
"We do have a good amount of money," he chuckled, "Been a long way."
"I was born into it," I nodded, "My whole family was.. rich... but it's alright. We don't like have any specialty's besides a beach house."
"Gotcha," he nodded. We talked for a bit longer till Tina and LaVar called us down for lunch. We both went down behind Gelo. We sat around the island and I sat between Tina and LaMelo. "This is grilled cheese," Tina told me. I nodded. "What exactly is it?" I picked it up. This is so different. "It's just bread with cheese in the middle and you cook it," LaMelo told me as he took a bite out of his. I nodded and took a bite of mine as well. I smiled small and gave him a thumbs up, eating it. We talked a bit here and there about the school and stuff and what it would be like and what I would do and everything.

By the end of the day I was exhausted. The time difference was awful. "Where you going?" Melo asked.
"To bed," I laughed.
"It's only 8," he chuckled.
"It's 3AM in Athens," I laughed, "I'm so tired I've been trying to stay awake."
"Ohhh," he nodded, "Alright I'll try to stay quiet. If you need anything I'm just across the hall."
"Thanks," I smiled at him. I walked into my room and shut the door to change but opened it back up to sleep. I looked across the hall and Melo was sitting on the edge of the bed with a remote controller in his hand talking to his TV. I smiled small. That boy was really cute. I found him highly attractive but that's not what I'm here for. I laid in my bed and covered up. This felt very out of place but at the same time right at home.

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