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*Zosime's POV*

Graduation day. Ahh. I was excited but also kinda nervous. I made my decision on what I was going to do after but I will still nervous about how it was going to happen. I put my dress on and put on my heels with it. I brushed through my hair and put half of it up into a bun and left the rest down. I sprayed my perfume and everything then walked downstairs. It was about 11AM and graduation started at 12:30. "Oooo," Melo smiled at me, "I like it."
"Thank you," I smiled.
"Do a spin!" Gelo laughed. I laughed and spun around, making my dress twirl with me. "Look like a princess," Gelo smiled.
"I tried," I giggled a bit. I gave him a hug and sat down next to them at the island. "Have you decided yet?" Tina asked, "We kind of all talked it out the other day. If you want to stay you can live here till you find a college and stuff or if you want to move that's fine but we would love it if you stayed in touch with us." I nodded and smiled at her. I looked around at every and then sat up a bit straighter. "Thank you guys for everything you've done for me. I really appreciate it. It means the world. I made a whole other family. You guys have been the best with everything that happened with my parents. I'm so thankfully and I couldn't have asked for a better family to have went to-" Melo cut me off.
"You're not staying are you?" he sighed. His voice was sad and low toned. I could see the sadness in his eyes, everyone could. "It's okay if you don't want to you know we aren't forcing you or anything. Melo and you got close though I can see how he would be upset," LaVar nodded. I nodded in response and put my head on Melo's shoulder. "Well... I'm going to stay so I don't know why everyone getting all sad," I giggled.
"You-" Melo laughed, putting his arm around me. I laughed a bit too. "I'm really happy you're staying," Tina smiled at me.
"You're family," LaVar walked over and joined Melo and I's hug. Then it turned into a group hug and everyone was hugging.

We got to the school and LaVar and Tina went out to the football field stands. Gelo, Melo, and I all met up in the school gym with everyone else graduation, along with the teachers. "C'mere," Melo nodded to the hallway. Gelo walked away to his friends and I nodded at Melo. We walked out to the hallway and he smiled at me. "You're staying?" he asked.
"Yea. You guys are the family I don't have in Greece. Why leave that?" I smiled.
"So I'm just family?" he asked. I shook my head. "Then what am I?" he asked.
"Well you like to call it 'casual sex'," I laughed a bit, "Why?"
"Since you're staying," he shrugged, looking down at his feet. He went to go on but I stopped him. "Nah look at me," I lifted his chin up.
"Maybe we could make it official?" he asked. I smiled at him. I leaned up and kissed him. I closed my eyes and my right hand rest on his cheek. He put his hands on my hips and pulled me closer. We pulled away and he bit his bottom lip. "Of course," I smiled at him.

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