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This was request by @IGotThatSonic

I sorry I haven't been updating that much like I used to be I have been so busy with school I hope u guys understand sorry for the delay and also changed few things in the request so I hope that's ok so yeah enjoy

An : future author Chan here lol I sorry I haven't been updating this book I just have others things in my personal life I have to deal with like my responsibilities etc but yeah

A  school bus is seen stopping and some students are stepping out. One of them is Sean Diaz, who is texting. Meanwhile, Lyla Park steps out of the school bus and talks to the other students left on the bus.
"See you tonight! Don't be late, losers!" Lyla yelled out to her friends she then comes behind Sean and grabs his shoulders, causing him to gasp.

" Okay, update time! You heard back from Y/N yet?" She asked
"Um... no... I'm sure she'll reply at some point." Sean replied
"Let me take a look at the situation." Lyla said as she
grabs Sean's cell phone.
Lyla was reading text messages out loud and said
" Hey Jenn, u going to the party tonight?" She looks back at Sean
"Dude, we talked about this! Could you have any less game?" Lyla said in disappointing tone
An annoyed Sean takes back his phone.

"I'm no good at this! How about: "Yo Y/N, see you at the party, let me know if I should bring handcuffs"? Sean said as his face turn red from embarrassment from what he said
Lyla laughs
"Oh my God! You thirsty bitch. Here, let "Lyla The Love Witch" work her magic... she exclaimed as she takes Sean's phone again

"Okay, Just... Don't make me sound like a loser." Sean said nervously

"I said matchmaker, not miracle worker" she said sternly
"Hey, hold on, let me check it before you send!" Sean exclaimed as Lyla gives back his phone.
"Too late!" She exclaimed
Sean was reading text out loud he said
"Would be awesome 2 see you there." He then looks at Lyla.
"What? I could have texted that" sean said as lyla smirked
"It's a good start... She'll text back, you'll see." Lyla said
"You know... I don't even know if I wanna go tonight." Sean says in self doubt and worry
What if Y/N doesn't like me what if she thinks I'm a loser his train thought got interrupted by lyla

"Oh please. It's gonna be fun! You hate every party." Lyla exclaimed in enthusiasm
"Oh because... They're all the same. Too many people, too fucking loud, everybody's wasted" Sean said
"Yes, Sean. You just described... a party!" lyla replied
Sean then receives a notification on his phone. Lyla comes closer.
"Well? The suspense is killing me!" She exclaimed
"It's Dad he Wants to know if I'm coming home after school he grunts Jeez, I'm not a ten year old." Sean complained
"He just cares about you, Sean... Anyway, you should be happy your dad's looking out for you." Lyla stated
Lyla's phone vibrates. She has received a text.
She then pulls her phone out

"Oh, it's Y/N Saying she can't wait to see us at the party!"she exclaimed in excitement
"What? Really? Yes!" Sean was thrilled maybe this can be his chance to tell Y/N how he feels .

"Told you I would work my matchmaker magic." Lyla stated
"Hmm... So... So what should I wear tonight?" Sean asked
"A condom." Lyla said with goofy smile
"Ho ha ha. Paying plenty of attention in Sex Ed class, I see." Sean said in sarcastic tone
The two pass in front of Brett Foster's house, who is seen holding his phone and sitting on the porch.
"Hey, lovebirds! Back from the loony bin?" Brett yelled out
"Shut the fuck up, dickhead!" Lyla yelled as Brett gives her the middle finger.

"Damn, your neighbor's an asshole" Lyla said in irritated tone  because of Brett's remark
"Yup Always true to himself!" Sean stated
The two of them both arrive in front of the Diaz House Sean and Lyla walk across the porch. There is a skull stuck in the basketball hoop and lawn furniture scattered about.

Life is strange Sean Diaz x reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now